Whisper JAX Speech Recognition Local Deployment



whisperX Speech Recognition Local Deployment Video Tutorial

whisper-jax most detailed installation tutorial | A claim than the whisper 70 times faster than the speech recognition project | Free and open source speech recognition projects

whisperX Speech Recognition Local Deployment_JoeManba’s Blog – Blogs

GitHub – sanchit-gandhi/whisper-jax: JAX implementation of OpenAI’s Whisper model for up to 70x speed-up on TPU.

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(1) Set the tabBar: uni.setTabberItem({}); wx.setTabberItem({}); indexnumberisWhich item of the tabBar, counting from the left, is indexed from 0.textstringnoButton text on tabiconPathstringnoImage PathselectedIconPathstringnoImage path when selectedpagePathstringnoPage absolute pathvisiblebooleannotab Whether to display uni.setTabBarItem({ index: 0, text: ‘text’, iconPath: ‘/path/to/iconPath’, selectedIconPath: ‘/path/to/selectedIconPath’, pagePath: ‘pages/home/home’ }) wx.setTabBarItem({ index: 0, text: ‘text’, iconPath: ‘/path/to/iconPath’, selectedIconPath: ‘/path/to/selectedIconPath’, pagePath: ‘pages/home/home’ }) […]