Windows — unoccupy folders/files


I. Issues

Sometimes, when deleting/moving/renaming folders/files, you will encounter the following warning, even if you close the open program, there may still be related processes in the background that are not closed.
Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

II. Settlements

1. Open Task Manager

  • Ctrl + Alt + DeleteOpen Task Manager

2. Open Resource Monitor

  • Select the Performance tab and click Open Resource Monitor.

Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

  • Select the “CPU” tab and find the search box for “Associated handles” in the center.

Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

  • Enter the name of the occupied file (partial matches are supported) and hit enter to search for it
  • Find the associated handle and right-click to “End Process” (if there are more than one, you need to end all of them as appropriate).
    Windows -- unoccupy folders/files


III. Extended learning

1. Task Manager

(1) Opening methods (6 types)

  • Shortcuts:Ctrl+Shift+EscDirectly open the

  • Shortcuts:Ctrl+Alt+DeleteSelect “Task Manager” on the screen.
    Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

  • Shortcuts:Win+ROpen “Run” and type “taskmgr” to open Task Manager.

  • Right click on the taskbar to find Task Manager and open it:
    Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

  • Shortcuts:Win+XOr right-click on the Win10 Start button to bring up the system shortcut menu, find Task Manager, and open it: (After you’re proficient:Win+XuntieT
    Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

  • Search for “Task Manager” in the search box.
    Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

(2) Functional wonders

①Mini-System Monitoring Panel

Open the Performance tab page and right-click on the left side view to select theAbstract View ordouble-click The left side view gives you a “Mini System Monitor Panel

Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

‘Double click to restore

Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

② Curve monitoring chart

In addition to the left side, the diagram on the right side operates in a similar way, thedouble-clickOr right-click and select “Graphical summary view“to getCurve monitoring charts
Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

You can also right-click to toggle other items:

Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

③Parameter quick copy

Still in the Performance tab, right-click anywhere, you read that right, anywhere within the tab, to assign the module’s performance parameters:


	Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz

	Base speed: 2.60 GHz
	Slots: 1
	Kernels: 2
	Logic processors: 4
	Virtualization: Enabled
	L1 Cache: 128 KB
	L2 cache: 512 KB
	L3 cache: 3.0 MB

	Utilization rate 14%
	Speed 1.93 GHz
	Uptime 3 55:41
	Processes 276
	Thread 3536.
	Handle 125893

random access memory (RAM)

	12.0 GB DDR3

	Speed: 1600 MHz
	Slots Used: 2/4
	Form Factor: SODIMM
	为硬件保留的random access memory (RAM):	114 MB

	Available 4.2 GB
	Cached 2.8 GB
	Submitted 15.8/32.9 GB
	Paging buffer pool 603 MB
	Non-paged buffer pool 445 MB
	In use (compressed) 7.6 GB (1.4 GB)


	Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter

	Adaptor name: WLAN
	SSID:	Redmi Note 11T Pro
	Connection type: 802.11n
	IPv4 address:
	IPv6 address: 2408 6c10 48a4 4477:c7e1
	Receive 0 Kbps
	Send 0 Kbps
④Disable boot-up items

Switch to the “Startup” tab, and disable the high impact startups to improve boot speed.
Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

⑤ Customized performance monitoring filters

stepThe “panel” is the most commonly used, in case your computer is stuck or you need to force close some unnecessary apps or background programs, you can tap on it and filter to find it and follow up:

  • End of process
  • Open file location
  • Go to details (for more detailed process operations)
  • Online search (when you encounter a suspicious process, you can avoid copying it and right-click to pull up the system default browser to find information about the process)

Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

By default, the Processes panel does not display the PID and process name directly, so if you need to, you can right-click on the header to bring it up or switch to theDetailed informationPanel:

Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

⑥ Run the new task as administrator

No explanation. Everyone knows.
Windows -- unoccupy folders/files
Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

2. Resource Monitor

Windows Resource Monitor_360 Encyclopedia

(1) Open mode

  • Search for “resource monitor” in the search box.
  • Control panel (cumbersome process not recommended)
  • Task Manager’sperformance At the bottom of the panel, find Open
    Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

(2) Functional wonders

① Release folder/file occupancy

[Resolved] Unhooking Folders/Files_Unhooking Files_onc-virn’s Blog – Blogs

②Uncover the hidden Trojan horse process in the system
  • In “Resource Monitor”, you can check which program has high CPU usage by checking the usage of CPU, memory and network monitor by the programs running in the system, because the Trojan program needs to copy the file information in the system constantly when it runs in the background, which will take up a lot of CPU and memory resources.
  • In the “Process” list, check the process you need to view, in the “Services” item you can see all the services associated with the process, in the following “Associated Handles” item you can can see and the program associated with all the process information. This makes it easier to find the Trojan horse hidden in the process.
    Windows -- unoccupy folders/files
③Unresponsive, lagging cause localization
  • By analyzing the wait chain it is also possible to locate the cause of unresponsive, lagging programs
    Windows -- unoccupy folders/files
④Check port occupancy

Windows -- unoccupy folders/files

Wait chain traversal – Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn

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