Introduction to GODOT game engine, including performance comparison test with unity, as well as selection recommendations


Introduction to GODOT game engine, including performance comparison test with unity, as well as selection recommendations
GODOT, is a free and open source 3D engine. This article to unity as a comparison, a brief description of the two differences and selection advice. Because it was written a long time ago ppt, technical reasons video and part of the chapter is lost. Suggested as a business reference.
Introduction to GODOT game engine, including performance comparison test with unity, as well as selection recommendations
GODOT has met 3 more significant based so far, the first one is oprea’s cooperation award, the second one is Microsoft’s investment in exchange for c# support, and the third one is Unreal Mall’s support
Introduction to GODOT game engine, including performance comparison test with unity, as well as selection recommendations
Although I summarized some of the features (advantages), in the end the biggest advantage is the free and open source, MIT agreement
Introduction to GODOT game engine, including performance comparison test with unity, as well as selection recommendations
GODOT supports script mixing. The level of support varies from language to language, and some api’s don’t support other languages. So GDScript is a mandatory subject that can’t be bypassed!
Introduction to GODOT game engine, including performance comparison test with unity, as well as selection recommendations
I won’t post the video here. You can go to b-site, there are a lot of them.
Introduction to GODOT game engine, including performance comparison test with unity, as well as selection recommendations
The editor of godot provides the necessary tool chain for the development process. For example, the debugging tool profiler, visual shader editor, frame animation editor, skeleton binding editor, and so on.
There’s not much difference compared to unity, just different names in some places. For example, in the resource tree, every object in unity is a gameobject, whereas godot is a node, and there’s no difference in function or usage.
Introduction to GODOT game engine, including performance comparison test with unity, as well as selection recommendations
Check out the rendering performance performance below.
Testing method: the more classic (and lazy) way of incrementally rendering physics cubes on the same screen
Tested mobile device: Xiaomi Mi Tablet 4

Here’s a comparison of frame rates between godot and unity for different numbers of objects:
Introduction to GODOT game engine, including performance comparison test with unity, as well as selection recommendations
3d rendering conclusion: unity deserves to be the engine of choice for 3d handheld games, 3d rendering performance is strong, crushing godot. you can see that when there are 3,000 objects in the scene, unity can still reach 18 frames, while godot is already stuck on the gas.
Introduction to GODOT game engine, including performance comparison test with unity, as well as selection recommendations
Moving on to the 2d rendering performance
Introduction to GODOT game engine, including performance comparison test with unity, as well as selection recommendations
When rendering a 2d object the conclusions flip, when rendering a 1500 object on the same screen godot gets to 51 fps while unity only gets to 1 fps. This is because unity uses “pseudo-rendering” when rendering in 2d, which means that the object is essentially 3d. Godot is a real 2d object.

tips: Why does it seem that the 2d rendering performance of both engines looks worse than the 3d ?
This is because 3d objects are not mapped, all pixels have a single color value, and the calculation consumes only normal * color * illumination.
Whereas 2d objects have mapping added, although each square looks smaller, larger maps are applied to show the effect faster. This adds a lot of performance consumption for texture addressing.

Introduction to GODOT game engine, including performance comparison test with unity, as well as selection recommendations
The differences are basically in the table, except for the differences in writing the script syntax.
One more thing to add is that godot’s android debugging sends packages with a key that must be added. This is not as trivial as unity.

About Selection

1. GODOT is more suitable for 2d project development

This conclusion comes from performance tests where 2d rendering performance shines. The superior rendering performance of 2D is the only concern when working on projects that require huge amounts of rendering, such as lawn mowing type games.

2. GODOT is more suitable for intermediate engineers and above to participate in development

This conclusion is derived from
1. godot’s toolchain, while relatively complete, is of low quality and riddled with bugs.
2. Plug-ins are few, incomplete and of low quality
3. Slow versioning and limited community support
In many cases it is necessary for developers to utilize their extensive development experience to fill in the gaps and deficiencies in engine support

3. GODOT is suitable for projects that have a mandatory need for free open source

godot uses the mit protocol, you can modify the underlying code for commercial sales at will. While other engines have all kinds of dark pits and charging traps that are not easy to know. For example, unity, in some hardware devices need to charge the user, yes you read it right, is the user to charge a fee.

4. GODOT is more suitable for small and medium-sized project development

Compared to other mature commercial engines, godot is lacking in community activity, plugin breadth, and number of tutorials. When it comes to more acute problems, such as graphics cache reuse and black screen localization, it is often not easy to find a solution. In addition, the quality of godot’s editor is questionable, and even in the latest version 3.1 there are instances where saving a project normally corrupts the scene file. There are also occasional unprompted crashes when resources are lost. All these bring unpredictable delay risk and development difficulty for large projects. Therefore, it is recommended for small and medium-sized projects to use

not be, or cease to exist

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