Trajectory Planning | Graphical Dynamic Window Algorithm DWA (with ROS C++/Python/Matlab simulation)


0 Introduction to the column

With a full set of C++/Python/Matlab code Essential for course design, graduation design, and innovation competitions! Detailed introduction to global planning (graph search, sampling method, intelligent algorithms, etc.); local planning (DWA, APF, etc.); curve optimization (Bessel curves, B spline curves, etc.). Details:Motion Planning in Autonomous Driving, with dozens of planning algorithms.

1 Dynamic obstacle modeling

One of the ultimate goals of indoor mobile robotics research is to build robots that can safely perform tasks in hazardous and densely populated environments. For example, service robots assisting humans in indoor office environments should be able to react quickly to unexpected changes and accomplish their tasks in a variety of external situations. However, most motion planners rely on accurate, static modeling of the environment, so they tend to stop working if humans or other unpredictable obstacles block their path. In order to build autonomous mobile robots, we need to build systems that can sense the environment, react to unpredictable situations, and plan dynamically to accomplish tasks Trajectory Planning | Graphical Dynamic Window Algorithm DWA (with ROS C++/Python/Matlab simulation) Dynamic Window Approach (DWA)It has emerged as a widely used algorithm in the field of robot path planning and navigation, with a background of applications that can be traced back to driverless vehicles, autonomous mobile robots, and other intelligent systems that need to move efficiently in complex environments.DWA achieves fast path planning and collision avoidance decision making by modeling the robot’s motion state and environmental information as a dynamic window. The algorithm utilizes heuristics to select the optimal action to avoid collisions with obstacles and reach the goal point as quickly as possible by evaluating the possible combinations of speed and direction for the current robot state.

2 DWA Fundamentals

2.1 Sampling window

DWA is concerned about a problem
How to reactively avoid collisions with static/dynamic obstacles?
DWA is specifically designed to handle constraints imposed by finite velocities and accelerations that are derived directly from the kinematic model of the mobile robot. In short, DWA only periodically considers a short time interval in the computation of the next control command in order to avoid the huge complexity associated with dealing with general motion planning problems. During such a time interval, a two-dimensional search space, including translational and rotational velocities, is obtained by approximating the trajectory as circular curvature. This search space is reduced to a legal velocity that allows the robot to stop safely. The velocities are further constrained due to finite acceleration: the robot only considers velocities that are reachable in the next time interval. These velocities form a dynamic window, which is centered around the robot’s current velocity in velocity space. Trajectory Planning | Graphical Dynamic Window Algorithm DWA (with ROS C++/Python/Matlab simulation) In DWA, construct a sampling window as follows { w i n ( v ) = [ max ⁡ { v min ⁡ , v − a v d t } , min ⁡ { v max ⁡ , v + a v d t } ] w i n ( ω ) = [ max ⁡ { ω min ⁡ , ω − a ω d t } , min ⁡ { ω max ⁡ , ω + a ω d t } ] \begin{cases} win\left( v \right) =\left[ \max \left\{ v_{\min},v-a_v\mathrm{d}t \right\} , \min \left\{ v_{\max}, v+a_v\mathrm{d}t \right\} \right]\\ win\left( \omega \right) =\left[ \max \left\{ \omega _{\min},\omega -a_{\omega}\mathrm{d}t \right\} , \min \left\{ \omega _{\max}, \omega +a_{\omega}\mathrm{d}t \right\} \right]\\\end{cases} {win(v)=[max{vmin,vavdt},min{vmax,v+avdt}]win(ω)=[max{ωmin,ωaωdt},min{ωmax,ω+aωdt}]

2.2 Evaluation function

Then sample binary point pairs within the window ( v , ω ) \left( v,\omega \right) (v,ω)Setting the simulation time t t t, which simulates the robot starting from the current position with ( v , ω ) \left( v,\omega \right) (v,ω)Constant velocity travel trajectory and evaluate the trajectory G ( v , ω ) = α ⋅ h e a d i n g ( v , ω ) + β ⋅ d i s t ( v , ω ) + γ ⋅ v e l o c i t y ( v , ω ) G\left( v,\omega \right) =\alpha \cdot \mathrm{heading}\left( v,\omega \right) +\beta \cdot \mathrm{dist}\left( v,\omega \right) +\gamma \cdot \mathrm{velocity}\left( v,\omega \right) G(v,ω)=αheading(v,ω)+βdist(v,ω)+γvelocity(v,ω) where the direction angle evaluation function h e a d i n g ( v , ω ) = π − ∣ θ g o a l − θ ∗ ∣ \mathrm{heading}\left( v,\omega \right) =\pi -\left| \theta _{\mathrm{goal}}-\theta ^* \right| heading(v,ω)=πθgoalθ included among these θ g o a l \theta _{\mathrm{goal}} θgoalis the distance between the robot’s end of the simulated trajectory and the end point of the line connected to the x x xThe angle between the axes of the θ ∗ \theta ^* θis the robot’s attitude angle at the end of the simulated trajectory, aiming at selecting the trajectory with a small difference between the target angle and the pointing angle, so that the robot’s forward direction is aligned with the end point. Obstacle evaluation function d i s t ( v , ω ) = { d 0 , d > d 0 d , d s a f e ⩽ d ⩽ d 0 0 , d < d s a f e \mathrm{dist}\left( v,\omega \right) =\begin{cases} d_0\,\,, d>d_0\\ d\,\, , d_{\mathrm{safe}}\leqslant d\leqslant d_0\\ 0 , d<d_{\mathrm{safe}}\\\end{cases} dist(v,ω)= d0,d>d0d,dsafedd00,d<dsafe aiming at selecting trajectories that are farther away from obstacles to avoid collisions during robot operation. d d dIndicates the closest distance of the predicted trajectory to the obstacle; d 0 d_0 d0is the maximum value of the obstacle score, and if the predicted trajectory and obstacle spacing exceeds d 0 d_0 d0Then the track is considered safe; d s a f e d_{\mathrm{safe}} dsafeis the safe distance between the robot and the obstacle, if the predicted trajectory and obstacle distance are less than d s a f e d_{\mathrm{safe}} dsafethen the trajectory is considered to be in collision. The velocity evaluation function v e l o c i t y ( v , ω ) = ∣ v ∣ \mathrm{velocity}\left( v,\omega \right) =\left| v \right| velocity(v,ω)=v The aim is to select the trajectory with larger linear velocity so that the robot moves as fast as possible. In summary, the physical meaning of the evaluation function is to make the robot move towards the target with a faster speed and perform autonomous obstacle avoidance, and the evaluation function and its weight coefficients can be changed according to the needs in practical applications

3 DWA Algorithm Flow

The DWA algorithm flow is shown below Trajectory Planning | Graphical Dynamic Window Algorithm DWA (with ROS C++/Python/Matlab simulation)

4 Simulation Realization

4.1 ROS C++ Implementation

Constructing Dynamic Windows
Inside this function the sampling window is constructed
max_vel[0] = std::min(max_vel_x, vel[0] + acc_lim[0] * sim_period_);
max_vel[1] = std::min(max_vel_y, vel[1] + acc_lim[1] * sim_period_);
max_vel[2] = std::min(max_vel_th, vel[2] + acc_lim[2] * sim_period_);

min_vel[0] = std::max(min_vel_x, vel[0] - acc_lim[0] * sim_period_);
min_vel[1] = std::max(min_vel_y, vel[1] - acc_lim[1] * sim_period_);
min_vel[2] = std::max(min_vel_th, vel[2] - acc_lim[2] * sim_period_);
and then through the iterator
VelocityIterator x_it(min_vel[0], max_vel[0], vsamples[0]);
VelocityIterator y_it(min_vel[1], max_vel[1], vsamples[1]);
VelocityIterator th_it(min_vel[2], max_vel[2], vsamples[2]);
Iterate through all possible combinations of speeds and deposit them into thesample_params_in which the optimal trajectory is generated
std::vector<base_local_planner::Trajectory> all_explored;
scored_sampling_planner_.findBestTrajectory(result_traj_, &all_explored);
infindBestTrajectoryThere are two main steps in:
  • Trajectory Generation
    Here.gen_will be passed through the constructedsample_params_Iterate through all possible combinations of speeds by theirgenerateTrajectory()The function generates the trajectory return
  • Trajectory evaluation
    loop_traj_cost = scoreTrajectory(loop_traj, best_traj_cost);
    Here the cost function stack is actually called to evaluate the trajectories one by one
    for (std::vector<TrajectoryCostFunction *>::iterator score_function = critics_.begin(); score_function != critics_.end(); ++score_function)
      TrajectoryCostFunction *score_function_p = *score_function;
      double cost = score_function_p->scoreTrajectory(traj);
    And these cost functions can be customized, they have already been updated in the previous step.
Finally, just choose the least costly trajectory to return to.

4.2 Python implementation

The core code is shown below
def evaluation(self, vr):
     v_start, v_end, w_start, w_end = vr
     v = np.linspace(v_start, v_end, num=int((v_end - v_start) / self.robot.V_RESOLUTION)).tolist()
     w = np.linspace(w_start, w_end, num=int((w_end - w_start) / self.robot.W_RESOLUTION)).tolist()
     eval_win, traj_win = [], []
     for v_, w_ in product(v, w):
         # trajectory prediction, consistent of poses
         traj = self.generateTraj(v_, w_)
         end_state = traj[-1].squeeze().tolist()
         # heading evaluation
         theta = self.angle((end_state[0], end_state[1]), self.goal)
         heading = np.pi - abs(end_state[2] - theta)

         # obstacle evaluation
         dist_vector = np.array(tuple(self.obstacles)) - np.array([end_state[0], end_state[1]])
         dist_vector = np.sqrt(np.sum(dist_vector**2, axis=1))
         distance = np.min(dist_vector)
         if distance > self.eval_param["R"]:
             distance = self.eval_param["R"]

         # velocity evaluation
         velocity = abs(v_)
         # braking evaluation
         dist_stop = v_ * v_ / (2 * self.robot.V_ACC)

         # collision check
         if distance > dist_stop and distance >= 1:
             eval_win.append((v_, w_, heading, distance, velocity))
     # evaluation
     factor = np.array([[1, 0,                          0],
                        [0, 1,                          0],
                        [0, 0, self.eval_param["heading"]],
                        [0, 0, self.eval_param["distance"]],
                        [0, 0, self.eval_param["velocity"]]])

     return eval_win @ factor, traj_win

4.3 Matlab Implementation

The core code is shown below
function [eval_win, traj_win] = evaluation(robot, vr, goal, obstacle, kinematic, eval_param)
    eval_win = []; traj_win = [];
    for v = vr(1):kinematic.V_RESOLUTION:vr(2)
        for w=vr(3):kinematic.W_RESOLUTION:vr(4)
            % trajectory prediction, consistent of poses
            [robot_star, traj] = generate_traj(robot, v, w, eval_param(4), eval_param(5));
            % heading evaluation
            theta = angle([robot_star.x, robot_star.y], goal(1:2));
            heading = pi - abs(robot_star.theta - theta);

            % obstacle evaluation
            dist_vector = dist(obstacle, [robot_star.x; robot_star.y]);
            distance = min(dist_vector);
            if distance > eval_param(6)
                distance = eval_param(6);

            % velocity evaluation
            velocity = abs(v);
            % braking evaluation
            dist_stop = v * v / (2 * kinematic.V_ACC);

            % collision check
            if distance > dist_stop && distance >= 1
                eval_win = [eval_win; [v w heading distance velocity]];
                traj_win = [traj_win; traj];
    % normalization
    eval_win = [eval_win(:, 1:2), eval_win(:, 3:5) * eval_param(1:3)'];
Trajectory Planning | Graphical Dynamic Window Algorithm DWA (with ROS C++/Python/Matlab simulation) Contact the blogger’s business card below for the full project code!

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