Category:October, 2023 - Develop Pile - Page 3

  • How to configure the front-end environment and install the necessary software plug-ins


    Article Catalog preambleI. VSCode (Visual Studio Code)1.1 Introduction and Installation of VSCode1.2 VSCode Common Plugin Installation1.3 VSCode Code Formatting Two, Node.js2.1 Introduction and Installation of Node2. yarn installation 3, Webpcak3.1 Introduction and Installation of Webpcak Fourth, Vue CLI4.1 Vue CLI Installation and Introduction V. Initialize the Vue project and runSix, front-end engineers must have software6.1 […]

  • OpenCV meets deep learning


    OpenCV in action (33) – OpenCV meets deep learning 0. Preface 1. Deep learning and convolutional neural networks 2. Face detection using deep learning 2.1 Introduction to SSDs 2.2 Performing Face Detection Using SSDs 3. Complete code wrap-up 0. Preface Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning, based on traditional neural networks and convolutional […]

  • [C++] Classes and Objects


    I. Preamble As usual, let’s start with a recap of the last issue: last issue we focused on the six major C++ classes in theDefault Member Functionsand took it upon himself to implement adate classI’m sure you’ve learned a lot about classes in C++. This is the last installment of classes and objects, and it’s […]

  • Docker – Windows version of Docker installation


    catalogs I. Introduction 1.1 How does Docker solve the problem of complex dependencies and compatibility of different component dependencies in large projects? 1.2 How Docker Solves the Problem of Differing Development, Test, and Production Environments 1.3 Difference between Docker and Virtual Machines 1.4 Docker Architecture 1.5 Summary Second, Docker installation (Windows version) 2.1 Preparing the […]

  • Design and Implementation of Adventure Game Based on Unity3D Engine


    Design and Implementation of Adventure Game Based on Unity3D Engine preamble summaries Abstract 1 Introduction 1.1 Background to the selection of the topic 1.2 Purpose and significance of the study 2 Development tools and environment 2.1 Development tools 2.1.1 Introduction to C# 2.1.2 Introduction to the Unity Engine 2.1.3 Introduction to Game Framework 2.1.4 Introduction […]

  • Introduction to Android Command Line Tools


    catalogs I. Introduction 2. Outline III. Relevant tools 3.1 Android SDK Command Line Tools 3.2 Android SDK build tools 3.3 Android SDK Platform Tools 3.4 Android Emulator I. Introduction We continue to summarize our learningbasics, warming up to the past. This article briefly introduces Android command line tools. 2. Outline The Android SDK contains several […]

  • [MySQL] Column Collection, from Basic Concepts to Tuning


    catalogs catalogs 1. Basic concepts and SQL 2.SQL Tuning 3. Optimize the index 4. Some engineering issues 1. Basic concepts and SQL Article Link: MySQL Basic Concepts and SQL__BugMan’s Blog – Blogs This section will talk about basic MySQL concepts and SQL operations, and will cover the following topics: What is MySQL Relational, non-relational database […]

  • LINUX retrieves files based on time range


    LINUX retrieves files based on time range 1. Find the files between the numbers 2023-01-05 and 2023-01-06 by using the following command: find log/ -name ‘abc.pdf’ -newermt ‘2023-01-05’ ! -newermt ‘2023-01-06’ 2. Find files that were changed 3 days “ago”, 72 hours ago. find /var/log/ -mtime +3 -type f -print 3. Find out the files […]

  • NLP Large Model Fine-Tuning Principles


    1. Background LLM (Large Language Model) Large Language Model, designed to understand and generate human language, needs to be trained on a large amount of text data. It is generally based on the Transformer structure and has a parameter count of Billion or more. For example, GPT-3 (175B), PaLM (560B). Three big things are happening […]

  • python3 installation tutorial


    Preface: It is recommended to use version 3.6 and above, the system comes with python2 do not uninstall, some system commands to use, 2 and 3 can coexist! I. Linux installation of python3 (Python-3.6.8) 1. Check to see if python3 is installed. python3 -V 2. Download the installation package 1、Download via wget command wget […]