32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Language Learning Sites


Website address:https://hdlbits.01xz.net/wiki/Main_Page Online answer and compilation site for learning Verilog with many topics and informative.Great for Verilog beginners!!!!

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

2. Niuqi.com

Website address:https://www.nowcoder.com/exam/oj?page=1&tab=Verilog%E7%AF%87&topicId=311 Similar to LeetCode’s Brush Up website, which has recently added a Verilog section that can be simulated online to produce results, somewhat similar to theHDLbits , more suitable for students and beginners.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

3、FPGA Tutorial

Website address:https://fpgatutorial.com/ IC/FPGA development language learning website, very simple and clear, very suitable for beginners.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:https://www.chipverify.com/ IC/FPGA development language learning site, and the previous siteFPGA Tutorial Pretty much the same, again written in a very simple and clear way, and great for beginners.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:https://www.runoob.com/w3cnote/verilog-tutorial.html A Chinese Verilog tutorial site.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

Comprehensive Learning Sites

6. Xilinx official website

Official website:https://www.xilinx.com/ Chinese official website:https://china.xilinx.com/ Xilinx’s FPGAs have the largest share of the current market, and when you use their chips, reading Xilinx’s materials is inevitable, such as learning the development tools Vivado, various IPs and so on. At the same time, Xilinx will also provide a lot of reference solutions for related technologies, with a strong reference.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

7. Intel official website (Altera chips)

Official website:https://www.intel.com/ Chinese official website:https://www.intel.cn/ Altera has been acquired by Intel, so the official website has been merged into Intel’s official website and exists as a sub-category of Intel’s. Altera chips currently occupy the second market share in the FPGA market, and the importance of related information is similar to that of Xilinx.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:http://asic-world.com/       This is a customized site for ASIC/DIGITAL /FGPA learners, where you can learn many languages in a very informative way. Just learning Verilog alone includes sections on tutorials, examples, questions, tools, recommended books, links and FAQs.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:http://www.fpga4fun.com/ This site provides a large number of articles explaining actual FPGA projects, and all come with complete project files for free download.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:https://verilogguide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/# Verilog and System Verilog language learning site, with some state machines, TB, simple interfaces and other projects added.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:https://nandland.com/ You can learn FPGA, Verilog and VHDL, basically every lesson is equipped with video tutorials, unfortunately there is no Chinese subtitles.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:http://www.fpga-faq.org/ A large collection of FAQs on the use of FPGAs, except that this site is older and most of the content was put together years ago.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:https://opencores.org/ opencores, the world’s largest FPGA open source site, has a variety of proven IP cores.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

14. E-Forest

Website address:https://www.eetree.cn/doc/detail/1018 This site organizes a lot of FPGA resources and websites according to different categories, and is a good navigational site.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:https://openhw.org/ A Xilinx-related content open source site , there are many interesting and good projects .

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


        Website address:http://www.sunburst-design.com/         FPGA bossCliff Cummings and hisSunburst Corporation.Cliff Cummings, himself one of the developers of the Verilog standard, has written a number of very good articles on FPGAs, which can be downloaded for free electronically at this site.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:http://zipcpu.com/ A foreign FPGA big brother’s technical blog, has been updated, mainly soft core CPU and FPGA design skills related content.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

Forum-type websites

18. Xilinx’s official forum

Website address:English Forum Website address:Chinese Forum This forum is pretty active and questions are usually answered by Xilinx staff.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:https://chipdebug.com/ Dedicated FPGA forum, quite informative, unfortunately not active enough and not very interactive. Unfortunately, it is not active enough and not very interactive. However, some of the tools on this site are quite useful:

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

20、Electronic enthusiasts forum

Website address:https://bbs.elecfans.com/zhuti_fpga_1.html The FPGA section of the Electronic Enthusiasts Forum has more downloadable material, but the forum is not active, basically 3 or 4 days before there is a new post, and there are very few replies.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:https://bbs.eetop.cn/forum-68-1.html To be precise, this is an IC forum and FPGA has a small section in it. This forum is more active and has a high interaction rate.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

22、21ic electronic network

Website address:https://bbs.21ic.com/iclist-119-1.html General electronics forum with FPGA as one of the subsections. Activity is poor, mostly some sharing of information.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs


Website address:https://www.eda365.com/forum-50-1.html This is a hardware engineers forum, mainly discussing hardware & PCB, FPGA is a sub-section. Activity is OK, but the content is rather basic.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

24. Yixiu.com

Website address:https://bbs.16rd.com/forum-316-1.html General electronics forum with FPGA as one of the subsections. Activity is poor, mostly some sharing of information.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

25. Electronics Engineer World

Website address:http://bbs.eeworld.com.cn/forum-12-1.html General electronics forum with FPGA as one of the subsections. Activity is poor, mostly some sharing of information.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

26、To Core Technology

Website address:http://www.fpgaw.com/ This company does FPGA training and is generally active, but there is a lot of downloadable material.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

27. Mindyan Forum

Website address:http://www.fpgabbs.cn/ Like to core can, this company also does FPGA training, and some of their own writing is still better for newbies.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

28. MiLink

Website address:https://www.uisrc.com/ Those who make development boards basically have their routines open-sourced.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

29, Positive Point Atom Information Download Center FPGA section

Website address:http://www.openedv.com/docs/boards/fpga/index.html Do development boards, the information is open source, for beginners, whether you have a development board, in fact, can be downloaded over to learn.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

30, Wildfire Information Download Center FPGA section

Website address:https://doc.embedfire.com/products/link/zh/latest/fpga/index.html Do development boards, the information is open source, compared to the positive point of atomic information, I recommend wildfire. Wildfire documents written in more detail, and in the coding before, will draw a very detailed waveform diagram, while the positive point of atomic coding is more like writing software.

32 Learning Websites about FPGAs

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