Ubuntu installation tutorial


Ubuntu installation tutorial

1、Ubuntu image download

Here I choose to download the image from Aliyun you can also choose to download from the official website of Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Official Website

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

If the English version looks a bit crooked, choose the Chinese version.

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Here we choose the mirror site of AliCloud to download the

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

2、Server version of the installation tutorial

Click Create Virtual Machine

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

enter (computer key)

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Select Install operating system later

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Select English

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Server version, no Simplified Chinese, so choose English.

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Static IP can also be set manually

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Select Manual

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Select Continue

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Some optional extra software

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Enter, then enter your username and password

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Setting the root password

Ubuntu installation tutorial

agan@cloudsino:~$ sudo passwd root
[sudol password for agan: first enter the password for agan user 9639
New password: Set root password again cloudsino_666
Retype new password Confirm the password of user root cloudsino_666
password updated successfully # Set the password successfully
agan@cloudsino:~$ echo $?  # Indicates whether the previous command was executed successfully
agan@cloudsino:~$su - root # Log in to user root
Password:  cloudsino_666

2.1.1 Allow root remote login

Ubuntu installation tutorial

**When restarting the sshd service, it shows that the service is not available, but the remote ssh is available, and I’m already logged in remotely as root **

root@cloudsino-1:~# systemctl status sshd
Unit sshd.service could not be found.

Discovered that with version 22.10, the ssh service is disabled by default.

Ubuntu installation tutorial

**Enable ssh **

root@cloudsino-1:~# sudo systemctl enable ssh

Ubuntu installation tutorial

After enabling ssh, the sshd service also comes up

Comparison shows that ssh is enabled by default in 22.04 and disabled in 22.10, but you can connect remotely with ssh.

Ubuntu installation tutorial

agan@cloudsino:~$ su - root
# Restart the service and you can use the root remote
root@cloudsino-1:~#  systemctl restart ssh   
root@cloudsino-1:~#  systemctl restart sshd

Ubuntu installation tutorial

3, desktop version of the installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

**Set the language of Ubuntu, you can choose English or Chinese, and then click “Install Ubuntu” or “Install Ubuntu” **.

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Select Chinese version

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

Ubuntu installation tutorial

3.1.1 Allow root remote login

Ubuntu installation tutorial

**When restarting the sshd service, it shows that the service is not available, but the remote ssh is available, and I’m already logged in remotely as root **

root@agan-virtual-machine:~# systemctl status sshd
Unit sshd.service could not be found.

Discovered that with version 22.10, the ssh service is disabled by default.

Ubuntu installation tutorial

**Enable ssh **

root@cloudsino-1:~# systemctl enable ssh

Ubuntu installation tutorial

After enabling ssh, the sshd service also comes up

Comparison shows that ssh is enabled by default in 22.04 and disabled in 22.10, but you can connect remotely with ssh.

Ubuntu installation tutorial

# Restart the service
root@agan-virtual-machine:~# systemctl restart sshd   
root@agan-virtual-machine:~# systemctl restart ssh

Ubuntu installation tutorial

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