Oracle 12CR2 RAC deployment rollover, bug avoidance experience

Article Catalog I believe that for those of you who have installed Oracle 12CR2 RAC on Redhat7, this perfect pitfall avoidance guide will help you a lot!

1. Introduction to Oracle 12C Release

Oracle 12CR2 RAC deployment rollover, bug avoidance experience
Oracle Database 12c introduces a new multi-tenant architecture that Easily deploy and manage database clouds with this architecture ORACLE 12C R1 12.1.0.X (、 ORACLE 12C R2 ORACLE 18C Equivalent to Release ORACLE 19C Equivalent to version (ORACLE 19C is the last release of ORACLE 12C)

2. Calls to the graphical interface

ERROR: Unable to verify the graphical display setup. This application requires X display. Make sure that xdpyinfo exist under PATH variable. No X11 DISPLAY variable was set, but this program performed an operation which requires it.
The solution when this error occurs is the following Use vnc to connect remotely or use MobaXterm to invoke the

2.1 VNC calls

download link Method 1: rpm package can be installed rpm -ivh tigervnc-server-1.8.0-21.el7.x86_64.rpm Method 2: Online yum installation can be [root@rhel74 cdrom]# yum install tigervnc-server The vncserver starts [root@rhel74 cdrom]# vncserver Just set the password after startup
Oracle 12CR2 RAC deployment rollover, bug avoidance experience
Other related commands ## Query the started Server, by user vncserver -list ## End the corresponding process vncserver -kill :1 The default port number for vnc is 5900. if your vnc accesses 1. Then the real port on which he accesses the server is 5900+1=5901 , and so on. Download the client and install it remotely for Linux for dummies! Note: If the remote is not available, the firewall may not be closed. Disable the server firewall systemctl stop firewalld systemctl status firewalld Permanently disable the firewall command. The firewall will not start automatically after reboot. systemctl disable firewalld Open the firewall command. systemctl enable firewalld
Oracle 12CR2 RAC deployment rollover, bug avoidance experience

2.2 MobaXterm Calls

Oracle 12CR2 RAC deployment rollover, bug avoidance experience
[grid@prodb1 ~]# export DISPLAY= [grid@prodb1 ~]$ cd O R A C L E H O M E [ g r i d @ p r o d b 1 g r i d ] ORACLE_HOME [grid@prodb1 grid] ORACLEHOME[grid@prodb1grid] ./

3. errors

3.1 Solutions for CLSRSC-400

The command ‘/u01/app/12.2.0/grid/perl/bin/perl -I/u01/app/12.2.0/grid/perl/lib -I/u01/app/12.2.0/grid/crs/install /u01/app/12.2.0/grid/crs/install/ ’ execution failed
Oracle 12CR2 RAC deployment rollover, bug avoidance experience
The solution is as follows: Hard apply the latest 31718723 PSU when performing grid installs $ ./ -applyPSU /soft/31718723 Oracle 11GR2 patch set can be downloaded from mos.
Oracle 12CR2 RAC deployment rollover, bug avoidance experience

3.2 Failure to execute step 19

kgfnGetConnDetails requires 4 parameters at/u01/app/12.2.0/grid/lib/ line 5704
The solution is as follows:
As root:
<GI_HOME>/crs/install/ -prepatch

As GI User:
$ export ORACLE_HOME=<Oracle Home>
$ /usr/bin/make -f client_sharedlib libasmclntsh12.ohso
libasmperl12.ohso ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_HOME

4.DB Apply Patch

4.1 opatch apply reports errors

Oracle 12CR2 RAC deployment rollover, bug avoidance experience
You need to change the permissions for the above error
chown oracle:oinstall /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/db/bin/extjobO

4.2 DB startup errors

WARNING: group 2 (DATA) has missing disks
ORA-15040: diskgroup is incomplete
WARNING: group 2 is being dismounted.
WARNING: ASMB force dismounting group 2 (DATA) due to missing disks

Viewing the $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle directory owner and permissions
--- Wrong file permissions (causing errors when writing files to disk groups)
[oracle@prodb1 bin]$ ls -ld oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle oinstall 407944960 Jan 19 16:27 oracle

--Changing oracle file owners and permissions
chown oracle:asmadmin /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/oracle
chmod 6751 /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/oracle

5. Summary

I believe that if you have installed Oracle 12CR2 RAC on Redhat7, this perfect guide to avoiding the pitfalls will help you a lot, and cross the road to learn together.
Oracle 12CR2 RAC deployment rollover, bug avoidance experience

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