MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)


I. Download mysql database

Go to the official MySQL website (, click on the download page in the order shown below.
MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)
MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)
MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)
Note: There are two MSI Installe here, the first one (size 2.4M) is an online installation via internet connection, which will download the installer online; the second one (size 437.3M) is an offline installation.
Let’s pick the second one (which contains both 32-bit and 64-bit installers), download it locally and install it.
MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)
Select “No thanks, just start my download.” to enter the download status.

II. Installing Mysql

Once the download is complete, locate the file directory:

  1. Double-click on the installation software to start the installation
    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  2. Click to runMySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  3. Select Service only and click Next MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  4. Click Execute to detect the required installation MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  5. Detection is complete, choose to agree, click install, after installing the required software click close MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  6. Click Next MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  7. Click Execute MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  8. Click Next MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  9. Click Next MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  10. Click Next
    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  11. Authentication Method This step is very important!
    The first is a strong password verification, mysql recommended the use of the latest database and related clients, MySQL8 changed the encryption plug-ins, so if you choose the first way, it is likely to lead to your navicat and other clients can not connect to mysql8; so be sure to choose the second (the place of the red box in the following figure), select the place to click on NEXT!MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  12. Set the password, you need to remember, because later to use this password to connect to the database, the user name is root
    After entering your password, clicknext to continue.
    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  13. Click Next
    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  14. Click Next
    Server File Permissions, select the first one.
    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  15. Click Execute
    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)
    After clicking Execute, if the following figure appears:
    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)
    Starting the server fails, usually because the last installation of the software was not cleaned up.
    Try following the steps below:
    1, keep this page, do not need to fork off and reload!
    2. computer->right click->manage. Find mysql
    3. Right click->Properties->Login
    4, click to allow services to interact with the desktop, back to this interface to install once again!

  16. Click Finish
    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  17. Click Next
    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

  18. Click Finish
    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

Third, verify whether the installation is successful

There are two verification methods to determine if the MySQL installation was successful

(A), the command prompt cmd window verification

1, keyboard win + R to open the command prompt, type cmd.
2. Find the bin file directory of the installed MySQL on your computer, my installation directory is: C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\binMySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

3. At the command prompt, type cd C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 8.0\bin to open the directory, then type mysql -h localhost -u root -p to log in to the database, and then type in the database password to log in successfully to view the information.
MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)
4. Enter the status command to view the MySQL version information, indicating that the installation was successful.MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

(ii) MySQL Console Verification

1. You can find and open the MySQL 8.0 Command Line Client program in the Start menu bar.MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)
2. Enter the database password and press the Enter key to bring up the current MySQL server status.
If you can display the following red line similar to the content indicates that the installation is successful. The red line marks the mysql database version number, which can be different from the version number in the following figure, subject to the actual installed version.MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)

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