Using Markdown



Hello, I’m a roll of immobile white, as the name I may be like most people are a little white to learn everything, when they dive into the heart to take notes to write a blog when exposed to the Markdown syntax. Markdown is a lightweight markup language, in layman’s terms, you do not have to care about how to write a blog to write notes, as long as you write their own content, Markdown syntax can give you all the things. Markdown is a lightweight markup language.

I. What is Markdown

Using Markdown

Markdown is a lightweight markup language founded by John Gruber.
Markdown Allows people to write documents in easy-to-read and easy-to-write plain text format and then convert them into valid HTML documents.
Markdown Documents written can be exported to HTML, Word, Image, PDF, Epub and many other formats.
Markdown Write documents with .md, .markdown suffixes.
I personally thinkMarkdownIt is now now is the most popular writing language on the internet!!!! Many website platforms write articles, blogs, and essays based on it!!!

Internationally: GitHub, Reddit, Diaspora, Stack Exchange, OpenStreetMap, SourceForge, etc;
Domestic, Jane’s Book, Nuggets, Blogland, Zhihu, and so on.

Recommend a Markdown editorTypora(I’ll put the download link at the end of the article). It’s lightweight enough, while the features are made as simple as possible. As far as web editors go it’s bound to be the best hahaha.

Second, Markdown advantages

A lot of people see Markdown label is [lightweight] [mark] [language] on the direct abandonment, thinking of their own learning a very large number of languages, in order to take a note to write a blog have to learn another language? In fact, Markdown’s language is very very simple, if you want to learn, 10 minutes you can learn 90% of the commonly used grammar, and you get rid of the torture of typesetting, is really the welfare of the OCD party. The advantages are not limited to this:

  • Plain text editing, as long as the support for Markdown editing can get the same results, free from typographical pains!
  • Low learning costs, little common syntax, easy to learn and quick to get started
  • Support cross-platform synchronization of data
  • Support inserting pictures, videos, etc.
  • Make changes at any time without worrying about typographical errors in tools such as word

Without further ado, let’s get down to business.

Third, the basic syntax of Markdown

3.1 Title

Using the # symbol, you can indicate 1-6 levels of headings, with the number of # increasing, the size of the first level of headings is the largest, and the size of the sixth level of headings is the smallest.
The code is as follows:

# First level headings
## Secondary headings
### Tertiary headings
#### Level IV Title
##### Level 5 headings
###### Grade 6 Title

The effect is as follows:
Using Markdown


  • last#Leave a space between the character and the title
  • Headings should be placed at the beginning of the line and may not be parsed correctly if placed in a table

3.2 Fonts

Asterisks and underlines are fine, single is italicized, double is bold, and triple is bold italicized

*♪ It's italicized ♪It’s italicized.
_This is italicized_It’s italicized.
**This is bold**It’s bold.
__ This is bold __It’s bold.
***This is in bold italics***It’s in bold italics.
___ This is bold italicized ___It’s in bold italics.

Bold Ctrl+B
Italic Ctrl+I

3.3 Row lines

Markdown line breaks can be used in a variety of ways.

  • Tap two spaces directly after a sentence
  • Add a blank line between two sentences
  • If you’re editing and you want a line of text to break when it’s displayed, add the center of the<br/>

3.4 References

References in Markdown via symbols> to realize.> The space after the symbol is optional.
Within the referenced block, line breaks are allowed to exist; a line break does not terminate the referenced block. To end a reference, a blank line is required to end the referenced block.

>This is a quote


It’s a quote.
In addition, references can be nested:

>This is a quote:
>>This is a quote for a quote
>>>This is a quote for a quote的引用


That’s a quote:

It’s a quote-unquote.

It’s a quote for a quote for a quote

3.5 Links

Inserting links in Markdown is used:

[Link name](Link address)
<link address>
That is:
[This is White's homepage](


This is White’s homepage.

3.6 Pictures

Inserting images in Markdown is used:

! [Image description, may or may not be written, but center brackets are required] (Image address, local link or URL address.)
For example, my picture for this post:
! [rolls immobile white](

Using Markdown

Bloggers themselves often Ctrl+v to paste images more convenient!

3.7 Lists

Lists are categorized into ordered and unordered lists

  • Unordered list, using*+-and a space to mark the list.
  • Ordered lists, using numbers and adding.number, plus a space as a list marker
* :: Unordered list 1
+ Unordered list 2
- Unordered list 3

1. Ordered lists 1
2. Ordered lists 2
3. Ordered lists 3


  • Unordered list 1
  • Unordered list 2
  • Unordered list 3
  1. Ordered list 1
  2. Ordered list 2
  3. Ordered list 3

If you want to control the hierarchy of the list, you need to precede the list symbol with theTab

+ unordered list 1
+ Unordered list 2
	+ Unordered list 2.1
	+ Unordered list 2.2

1. Ordered lists 1
	1.1 Ordered lists 1.1
2. Ordered lists 2
	2.1 Ordered list 2.1


  • Unordered list 1
  • Unordered list 2
    • Unordered List 2.1
    • Unordered List 2.2
  1. Ordered list 1
    1. Ordered List 1.1
  2. Ordered list 2
    1. Ordered list 2.1

3.8 Segmentation lines

Markdown gives a variety of styles of split lines, we can use split lines to make the structure of the article more clear.
Split lines can be used in a line with three-or*to create a dividing line, but note: a blank line above the dividing line!!!!


Split Line:

- - -
* * *


Note: Before writing the dividing line, write it after a blank line, otherwise it will cause the font of the previous line to be enlarged.

3.9 Deletion of lines

Strikethrough can be used by adding two strikethroughs before and after the text you want to add.~

~~ This is the text to be deleted ~~


This is the text to be deleted

3.10 Underlining

The use of underscores is similar to that in html, at the beginning and end of the text that needs to be underlined add the<u>Text</u>

<u>This line of text has been underlined</u>


This line has been underlined

3.11 Code Blocks

There are two types of code blocks in Markdown:
If you need to quote code within a line, just use backquotes ` to cause it.

`Hello` World.


Hello World.

If the code needs to be quoted within a block, use three backquotes on the first and last lines of the block of code to be quoted, and also write the language of the code after the first backquote.
Using Markdown

int main(){

The following languages are supported:

dart,dockerfile, diff

3.12 Tables

Use of Forms|to split different cells, using the-to separate table headers from other rows

  • :-: Left-align table headers and cell contents
  • -:: Right-align table headers and cell contents
  • :-:: Centering table headers and cell contents


| Item | Price | Quantity |
| --------   | -----:  | :----:  |
| Computer | \ $1600 | 5 |
| Cellular | \$12 | 12 |
| pipeline | \$1 | 234 |


sports eventpricesquantities
cell phone$1212

3.13 Footnotes

A footnote is a note to the text, we see footnotes in papers from time to time, the use of them in Markdown

Use Markdown[^1] to write documents efficiently, directly into HTML[^2], which you can do using the Typora[^T] editor.
[^1]:Markdown is a plain text markup language
[^2]:HyperText Markup Language HyperText Markup Language

Using Markdown1Write documents efficiently, directly into HTML.2,

Note: Footnotes are automatically carried to the end, so please go to the end of the article to view them, and the links following the footnotes can jump directly back to where they were added.

3.14 Special symbols

For grammatical symbols in Markdown, the preceding home backslash\That is, the symbol itself can be displayed.

wait a minute!



Fourth, the advanced use of Markdown

4.1 Personal views

Markdown is very powerful, but I think it was established in the beginning is to facilitate people to take notes to write blogs, it has a very powerful features, such as flow charts, complex formulas to present, although it seems to be very useful, but I think that these features and its creation of the original intention is contrary to the flow chart and complex formulas to do flow charts and complex formulas is to have a special tool, and is very convenient. So personally, I think thatMarkdownSome of the advanced use of the blogger to understand a little can not be very good at using the reference to other information a little to organize a note. Here only a brief mention, if you want to know more detailed advanced usage:Rookie Tutorial Markdown Advanced UsageCmd Markdown Concise Syntax Manual

4.2 Creating a to-do list

We can use theMarkdownto make a to-do list in the format,-[] Indicates incomplete;-[x]Indicates completed

- [ ] Supports exporting documents in PDF format.
- [ ] Improve Cmd rendering algorithm, use localized rendering technique to improve rendering efficiency.
- [x] New Todo list feature
- [x] Fix LaTex formula rendering issue
- [x] New LaTex formula numbering function.


  • Support for exporting manuscripts in PDF format
  • Improved Cmd rendering algorithm, using localized rendering techniques to improve rendering efficiency
  • Added Todo list feature
  • Fix LaTex formula rendering issues
  • Added LaTex formula numbering

4.3 Writing formulas

Markdown supports writing formulas, such as writing a mass-energy conservation formula.
$$Indicates a whole line of formulas



E = m c 2 E=mc^2 E=mc2

4.4 Flowcharting

Using Markdown

4.5 Plotting sequences

Using Markdown


4.6 Drawing of Gantt charts

Using Markdown


If interested you can go toCmd Markdown Concise Syntax ManualLearn more here.

4.7 Html

Markdown supports nativeHTMLsyntax, for example, you can write a table in Html that spans two rows:

        <th rowspan="2">Duty Officer</th>
        <td>Lee Keung</td>
        <td>Zhang Ming</td>
        <td>Wang Ping</td>


person on dutyMondayTuesdayWednesdays
Li Qiang (1977-), PRC politicianZhang Ming (1904-1974), Soviet trained Chinese communist, Comintern and Soviet stooge and martyrWang Ping (1962-2013), PRC crosstalk actor
Changes to font formatting can also be implemented


<font face="italic" color=#00ffff size=5>Changing Text Format</font>


Changing text formatting

V. Markdown tools

  • Local APP: The first one is Typora, of course there are some other good ones, I use Typora;
  • Domestic blogging platforms:, Jane book, nuggets, blog garden, Zhihu and so on.
    Typora download link:Typora Download

VI. Summary

The reason why I am writing this blog is not only to share my learning process, but also to take notes for myself, where I forget and come back to take a look at it again, I can also recall it quickly. So get your Markdown syntax up to speed and get it together!!!!

  1. Markdown is a plain text markup language↩︎

  2. HyperText Markup Language HyperText Markup Language↩︎

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