Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

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1. Unzip VisualStudio2010 installation package (no decompression software recommended to download 7-Zip) 2. Locate the setup file and right-click to run it as administrator.

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

3. Click Install MicroSoft Visual Studio 2010

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

4. Wait for the installation program to load the installation components

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

5. Cancel Send a message to Microsoft Corporation about my installation experience, next step

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

6. Click I have read and accept the license terms, next step

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

7. Click Browse.Try not to install on the system disk (C drive)Here I choose to install on the E drive, click on Install.

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

8. Wait for the installation, this process may take about 5 minutes, different computers have different times, wait patiently!

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

9. Finally came to the successful installation of our expectations interface, click Finish!

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

10. Click to exit the VS2010 installer interface

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

11. In the Start screen (click on the button with the Windows icon in the lower left corner), locate the application in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 folder

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

12. Press and hold the left mouse button to link the icon to the desktop

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

13. Double-click the icon to open VS2010, select Visual C++ Development Settings, click Start Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

14. Select New Project

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

15. Select the Win32 console application, name the file in Name, here named helloworld, in Location select the folder you want to put, click OK.

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

16. Enter the Win32 Application Wizard and click Next.

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

17. Select the empty project and click on finish

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

18. In Solution Explorer, right-click the source file, click Add, click New Item

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

19. Select the C++ file, enter a name, here named test, select the location, click Add

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

20. Here is the most classic example to test whether the software can run properly
void main()
  printf("Hello World !");

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

21. Hold down Ctrl + F5, or click the green triangle next to Debug

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

Run the program and click Yes

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

If you don’t want to see a dialog box that this project has expired, click Generate Solution in Generate and then hold down Ctrl + F5 or click the green triangular Run button.

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

22. Run the results as shown in the figure, if the output window flickers, please look down

Visual Studio 2010 Installation Tutorial (VS2010 Flagship Edition) and how to run your first C program

23. In the previous block of code behind the addition of getchar (), why this principle of their own Internet search, other solutions are also available online, from Baidu
void main()
  printf("Hello World !");
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