The 100 Best Deep Learning Projects for Getting Started


The 100 Best Deep Learning Projects for Getting Started

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Hello, everyone, I’m Light.

This column organizes “100 Examples of PyTorch Deep Learning Projects in Action”, which contains a variety of different deep learning projects, including the principles of the project as well as the source code, and each example of the project is accompanied by a complete code + dataset.

The 100 Best Deep Learning Projects for Getting Started

It’s being updated.

The 100 Best Deep Learning Projects for Getting Started

My project environment:

  • Platform: Windows 10
  • Language environment: python 3.7
  • Compiler: PyCharm
  • PyTorch version: 1.8.1

『Specialty Learning Column Navigator Post』

Dataset download link

Project Links

serial numberProject name
1Generating images using the ventromedial large model ERNIE-ViLG
2Python+OpenCV+MediaPipe Gesture Recognition System
3Python+OpenCV+MediaPipe Real-Time Crowd Detection
4Implementing CAPTCHA Recognition with PyTorch
5Implementing stock prediction analysis using pytorch long short-term memory network LSTM
6LSTM automated AI poem composition using pytorch (hidden verse and first line continuation)
7Text sentiment analysis using LSTM based on pytorch
8Rumor detection using LSTM based on pytorch
9Implementing the news article classification task using LSTM based on pytorch
10Implementation of text matching task using LSTM based on pytorch
11Time series forecasting of weather variability using GRU
12Transfer learning clothing classification based on vgg16
13Implementation of discriminative mnist handwritten dataset based on Inception v2
14Realization of Spring Festival Couplet Upper Couplet to Lower Couplet Based on LSTM
15Sentiment analysis of twitter data based on bag-of-words model for word-level ngrams
16Handwritten Digit Image Recognition Based on CNN Convolutional Neural Networks
17Building an LSTM model based on PyTorch for wind speed time series prediction
18Building an RNN model based on PyTorch for wind speed time series prediction
19PCA downscaling: a simple face recognition model
20Clustering algorithms for dimensionality reduction, vector quantization applications of KMeans (image compression)
21Building an MLP(ANN) model based on PyTorch for wind speed time series prediction
22Building LSTM+CNN model based on PyTorch for wind speed time series prediction
23Implementation of insect classification task based on ResNet18
24Building a CNN (one-dimensional convolutional Conv1D) model based on PyTorch for wind speed time series prediction
25Building an LSTM+Attention model based on PyTorch for wind speed time series prediction
26Realization of microbial image classification based on bidirectional BiLSTM
27Realization of microblog hot news classification based on RNN
28BiGRU-based short-term electricity load forecasting methodology
29UNet-based image segmentation of DRIVE retina
30Segmentation of ultrasound images of hemangioma based on UNet
31Realization of monkeypox virus recognition task based on ResNet101
32Realization of Herbal Medicine Recognition Task Based on ShuffleNet
33One-click couplet generation using the Wenshin Grand Model ERNIE-GEN-COUPLET
34Generating Miyazaki Style Anime Photos Based on AnimeGAN Modeling
35Time series prediction of weather changes based on LSTM + self-attention mechanism (self-attention)
36Sentiment analysis of twitter data based on Self-Attention mechanism.
37Massive News Text Clustering Based on TF-IDF and KMeans
38Time series forecasting of weather changes based on one-dimensional convolutional Conv1D
39Implementation of bird recognition task based on GoogLeNet
40Text Sentiment Classification of E-commerce Review Data Based on One-Dimensional Convolutional Conv1D
41Realization of 26 English letters recognition task based on DenseNet121
42Transformer-based implementation of the movie review star rating classification task
43Twitter Text Metaphorical Binary Classification Based on Transformer
44CNN-based NLP Text Classification for Coronavirus Tweets
45Realization of NLP based on RNN+CNN to discriminate news authenticity
46Face Facial Expression Recognition Based on MobileNetv3
47MnasNet-based implementation of the garbage sorting task
48100 sports classification based on Transformer
49AlexNet-based implementation of Pokemon (Pokémon) classification task
50Implementation of traffic sign classification task based on LeNet5
51Multi-objective Delicious Cake Image Classification Based on ResNet50
52Recognizing Seven Dragon Ball Super Saiyans based on ViT (Vision_Transformer)
53AutoEncoder-based image noise reduction in practice
54Classification of 3D stereoscopic MNIST datasets based on Conv3D
55Speech recognition of cat and dog barking based on one-dimensional convolutional Conv1D
56LSTM-based audio recognition of musical instrument sounds
57RNN-based Spam Recognition
58Implementation of Ultraman Recognition Based on Pyramid Vision Transformer (PVT-v2)
59CNN-based realization of 3D MNIST digit recognition
60Chinese handwriting character recognition based on CNN convolutional neural network
61Training word vectors based on the word2vec (CBOW) approach
62CNN-based realization of calligraphic font style recognition task
63CNN-based implementation of video action classification task
64Based on MediaPipe to realize face five senses localization detection
65Recognize train ticket information based on PaddleOCR
66MFCC-based classification of GTZAN music genres
67Implementing Personality Indicator based on Transformer
688 lines of code to realize the verification code recognition
69Coffee bean image classification using 1*1 convolution
70Pytorch Multi-Output Prediction for Time Series Power Data
71Pytorch-based Speech Emotion Recognition System
72Pytorch-based Chinese problem similarity in practice
73Gesture Recognition Based on CNN Convolutional Neural Networks
74Generating anime character images based on GAN (Generative Adversarial Network)
75Van Gogh image style migration based on vgg19
76Used car price prediction based on Embedding + LSTM + CNN
77Implementation of Sentiment Analysis Task Based on TextCNN
78Implementing a Sentiment Binary Classification Task Based on FastText
79Realization of e-commerce sentiment analysis task based on DPCNN
80Implementing an e-commerce sentiment multi-categorization task based on Pytorch+Bert
81Realization of Chinese short text categorization task based on ERNIE2.0 text-centered big model
82Realization of Chinese Short Text Classification Task Based on Flying Plasma ERNIE3.0 10 Billion Large Model
83TextRNN-based implementation of short emotional text classification task
84Realization of Chinese short text classification task based on TextRCNN
85Realization of Chinese Text Classification Task Based on BiLSTM-Attention
86Realization of Chinese Sentiment Classification Task Based on CharCNN
87Realization of e-commerce sentiment multi-classification task based on Google’s pre-trained model XLNet
88Realization of Chinese News Text Categorization Task Based on GPT2
89Realization of Chinese Sentiment Classification Task Based on PyTorch+HAN
90Realization of Chinese Sentiment Classification Task Based on PyTorch+Conv-GRNN & LSTM-GRNN
91Text Classification for English Long Text Poetry Based on PyTorch+TextCNN
92Demand Prediction for Shared Bicycles Based on PyTorch+LSTM
93Realization of Weather Variables for Predicting Wind Speed Based on BiLSTM-Attention
94Traffic flow prediction based on PyTorch+LSTM (time series analysis)
95Semantic Similarity of English Text Based on Pytorch+CNN
96Realization of Chinese Text Sentiment Classification Task Based on MultinomialNB Polynomial Bayesian Classifier
97Implementation of rumor detection task based on PyTorch+CNN
98Time Series Prediction of Weather Changes Based on PyTorch+Attention Attention Mechanisms
99Short-term power load forecasting based on PyTorch+CNN one-dimensional convolution
100Implementation of rumor detection system based on PyTorch+Transformer

Part of the data set and project realization ideas from the Internet, for reference only, if infringement, contact to delete

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