Deploy stable-diffusion-webui in linux


Deploy stable-diffusion-webui in linux

stable-diffusion-webui what is not to say, the following is the installation steps, I introduce the linux system as an example, windows system is much the same, the installation period did not use the ladder, the installation directory /opt/stable-diffusion-webui/.

1. Install Anaconda

stable-diffusion-webui requires python version 3.8-1.10, just look for the corresponding Anaconda version, Anaconda download address:Anaconda | Anaconda Distribution

2. Clone the git project

Cloning from git

git clone

3. Install the dependencies required by webui.

cd to stable-diffusion-webui directory to execute the following two commands, this step is generally smooth, if the download is slow you can change the source, such as in the command followed by -i

pip install -r requirements_versions.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt 

During the period may report CLIP installation failed, Couldnt install clip. solution can modify the CLIP_PACKAGE configuration of file:

clip_package = os.environ.get('CLIP_PACKAGE', "git+ --prefer-binary")

4. Install webui plugin

By default there are no plugins, you can skip this step. Here is the command to install the dreambooth plugin.

pip install -r extensions/sd_dreambooth_extension/requirements.txt 

5. Creating webui startup scripts

Create a new and enter the following:

export COMMANDLINE_ARGS="--deepdanbooru --port 6006 --theme dark --share  "


"${python_cmd}" "${LAUNCH_SCRIPT}" "$@"

The startup command above:

–deepdanbooru Enables graph generated text, mainly for pre-training data processing, not much use here.

–port 6006 Access port 6006

–theme dark black theme

–share With this parameter, you can use a temporary public address for program access, but this address can only be used for 72 hours, and will change every time you reboot, the public address is as follows:

Deploy stable-diffusion-webui in linux

Browser access to https 6006 or temporary public address will be able to open the web page, start generating your own images.

Deploy stable-diffusion-webui in linux


The deployment of stable-diffusion-webui is still very simple, and there will be more about stable-diffusion-webui later, so stay tuned.