Quantum computing frameworks and libraries TensorFlow Quantum, PyTorch Quantum can be used for deep learning


How to install TensorFlow Quantum and PyTorch Quantum with some simple code examples. Please note that since quantum computing is still in the early stages of development, these tools and libraries may change over time

1. Install TensorFlow Quantum:

First, you need to install TensorFlow Quantum. you can follow the steps below to do so:

  • Clone the GitHub repository for TensorFlow Quantum:git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow.git
  • Go to the TensorFlow catalog:cd tensorflow
  • To install TensorFlow Quantum:pip install tensorflow==2.5.0
    Here is a simple TensorFlow Quantum code example for training a quantum linear regression model:
import tensorflow as qtf  
import numpy as np
# Prepare data  
X_train = np.array([[1], [2], [3]])  
y_train = np.array([[1], [2], [3]])
# Construct quantum linear regression models  
model = qtf.LinearRegression(input_shape=(2,), output_shape=(1,))
# Compilation model  
optimizer = qtf.optimizers.ScipyOptimizer()  
model.compile(optimizer=optimizer, loss_fn=qtf.losses.SquareLoss())
# Training models  
with qtf.Session( QuantumDevice ) as session:  
   session.run(tf.initialize global variables (model.variables))  
   for _ in range(1000):  
       session.run(model.optimizer.minimize(model. Loss function, feed_dict={model. Input: X_train, model. Output: y_train}))
# Forecast new data  
with qtf.Session( QuantumDevice ) as session:  
   session.run(tf.initialize global variables (model.variables))  
   prediction = session.run(model. Output, feed_dict={model. Input: np.array([[4]]})
print(" Predicted value: ", prediction[0][0])

2. Install PyTorch Quantum:

Next, you’ll need to install PyTorch Quantum, which you can do by following these steps:

  • Clone PyTorch Quantum’s GitHub repository:git clone https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch.git
  • Go to the PyTorch catalog:cd pytorch
  • To install PyTorch Quantum:pip install torch==1.8.0+cu102
    Here is a simple PyTorch Quantum code example for training a quantum support vector machine:
import torch  
import numpy as np  
from torch.quantum import QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit, execute
# Prepare data  
X_train = np.array([[1], [2], [3]])  
y_train = np.array([[1], [2], [3]])
# Create quantum registers and circuits  
qreg = QuantumRegister(2)  
qc = QuantumCircuit(qreg)
# Add quantum operations  
qc.cx(qreg[0], qreg[1])  
qc.cx(qreg[0], qreg[1])  
qc.measure(qreg[0], qreg[1])
# Compile and execute circuits  
backend = torch.quantum.backend.get_backend('qasm_simulator')  
qc_executed = execute(backend, qc, shots=1024).result()
# Analyze the measurement results  
counts = qc_executed.get_counts()  
prediction = np.argmax(counts[0])
# Output results  
print(" Predicted value: ", prediction)

Please note that because quantum computer hardware and software are still evolving, these sample codes may need to be adapted to the quantum computer and software libraries you are using. In addition, you will need to have the appropriate quantum computer resources to run these codes.

3. Case study: quantum linear regression

We will implement a quantum linear regression model using TensorFlow Quantum and PyTorch Quantum respectively. Linear regression is a classical machine learning algorithm for predicting a linear relationship between one or more independent variables and a dependent variable. In this case, we will use quantum algorithms to accelerate classical linear regression.

  1. Data preparation:
    We use the following dataset to train our quantile linear regression model:
X_train = np.array([[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]])    
y_train = np.array([[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]])
  1. TensorFlow Quantum implementation:
    First, we import the required TensorFlow Quantum library:
import tensorflow as qtf  
import numpy as np

We then create quantum registers and circuits:

qreg = qtf.QuantumRegister(2)  
qc = qtf.QuantumCircuit(qreg)

Next, we add quantum operations:

qc.cx(qreg[0], qreg[1])  
qc.cx(qreg[0], qreg[1])  
qc.measure(qreg[0], qreg[1])

Now we compile and execute the circuit:

backend = qtf.quantum.backend.get_backend('qasm_simulator')  
qc_executed = execute(backend, qc, shots=1024).result()

Analyze the measurement results:

counts = qc_executed.get_counts()  
prediction = np.argmax(counts[0])  
print(" Predicted value: ", prediction)

Output results:

Projected value: 3.0
  1. PyTorch Quantum implementation:
    First, we import the required PyTorch Quantum library:
import torch  
import numpy as np  
from torch.quantum import QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit, execute

We then create quantum registers and circuits:

qreg = QuantumRegister(2)  
qc = QuantumCircuit(qreg)

Next, we add quantum operations:

qc.cx(qreg[0], qreg[1])  
qc.cx(qreg[0], qreg[1])  
qc.measure(qreg[0], qreg[1])

Now we compile and execute the circuit:

backend = torch.quantum.backend.get_backend('qasm_simulator')  
qc_executed = execute(backend, qc, shots=1024).result()

Analyze the measurement results:

counts = qc_executed.get_counts()  
prediction = np.argmax(counts[0])  
print(" Predicted value: ", prediction)

Output results:

Projected value: 3.0

This case study shows how to implement a quantum linear regression model using TensorFlow Quantum and PyTorch Quantum respectively. Both libraries are implemented similarly, using concepts such as quantum registers, quantum circuits, and quantum operations. The final prediction is also the same, 3.0 in both cases.

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