ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis


Also learn ros this thing for a long time, but in the ROS reinforcement learning and ultimately deployed to the real car this process has been all kinds of problems, the laboratory is not much relevant accumulation, their own one person to engage in a very painful. This time when I read the paper, I saw the source code published by others, so I went to learn how others do this process, which is really beneficial.
Eventually, the whole process from virtual training to real vehicle deployment can be realized!
Now the whole process is summarized, the back of the key parts of the description are in the notes inside, I hope that the lab after the schoolmates can easily do the experiments with a long hair article, but also hope to help all of you just contact the ROS students ~!
(Also, I don’t know why there are some strange formatting problems with the directly uploaded md file, but I’m too lazy to change it everywhere, so just bear with me)

But to be honest, after reproducing many algorithms, none of the algorithms deployed in a real car works as well as those trained in a virtual simulation environment (even though it is claimed in the paper that it can be used directly). In this case, when deployed on a real car, the algorithm always stumbles and stumbles. If anyone has actually used any algorithms that work well in real cars, please tell us about them in the comments section or in a private message!

I. Running an Example

1. Prerequisite preparation

(1) Download code

UsedGoal-Driven Autonomous Exploration Through Deep Reinforcement Learning This paper serves as an example, and the process above can give us a good demonstration of its github URL:

Extracting it, we can get the following file structure:

ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis

Where **catkin_ws ** is the ROS workspace, which contains the gazebo simulation environment, the p3dx cart model, the velody lidar model, and so on. But its main task is to open a simulation environment

TD3 contains the algorithms described in the article, and its internal structure is as follows:
ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis

velodyne_env It is the code that sends subscription data, processes the data, gets the status, calculates rewards, etc. It is equivalent to the environment part of gym

train_velodyne_td3 is the training code, which includes the network structure as well as the training part.

(2) python environment

We need to install Anaconda in the Ubuntu environment, create a virtual environment, install libraries such as pytorch and so on, this part must be since you have already begun to do ROS have experience, will not repeat.

(3) ROS environment

With ROS of course you need to install the ROS environment! I’m using Ubuntu 20.04 + ROS1 noetic version.

2. Conduct simulation training

(1) Compilation of workspace

go intocatkin_wsInside the workspace, open a terminal

cd ~/DRL-robot-navigation-main/catkin_ws

During the compilation process, there may be a variety of missing libraries, you can read the error message and then install the

sudo apt install ros-noetic-$Your missing library $

(2) Run the training file

Go to the TD3 folder, open the terminal, cd to the path, python run, here you will find that there may still be a lot of libraries missing, here we use pip install installation


According to its github above, this would allow for training. But in practice, I found that I couldn’t open gazebo this way, and I got all sorts of strange errors, so I made the following changes to it

(3) Changes

① Manually create the launch file

cd ./DRL-robot-navigation-main/catkin_ws/src/multi_robot_scenario/launch

We can see the file here,, which is the simulation environment file for its gazebo, we can create a new launch file to open this .world file

Create a new launch file named TD3_world.launch

Enter the following into it

    <include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch">
        <arg name="world_name" value="$(find multi_robot_scenario)/launch/"/>
        <arg name="paused" value="false"/>
        <arg name="use_sim_time" value="true"/>
        <arg name="gui" value="true"/>
        <arg name="headless" value="false"/>
        <arg name="debug" value="false"/>

②Open the environment

Open a new terminal

cd DRL-robot-navigation-main/catkin_ws/
source devel/
roslaunch multi_robot_scenario TD3_world.launch

ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis

Then we will be able to open this simulation environment, but we find that there is no robot model that we need, so we also need to open the launch folder under the pioneer3dx.gazebo.launch file, then create a new terminal

cd DRL-robot-navigation-main/catkin_ws/
source devel/
roslaunch multi_robot_scenario pioneer3dx.gazebo.launch

Then we can see the mobile robot within the simulation environment
ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis

③ Modify the file

When we python run next, we see that it still reports a bunch of messy errors.

We need to make changes to the following:

a: all the **”r1″ in the document.change into“p3dx”**

Includes lines 82, 116 and 130.

ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis

ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis

This is due to the fact that if we don’t change it, he will name the bot r1, but if we open it directly, the bot is p3dx, and of course it is possible to change his name r1 during the process of opening it, but for beginners it may be easier to understand by changing it directly.

b: comment out the part of its file that opens the launch file

Mainly lines 98 – 113, but note that the initialization node on line 104 should not be commented out
ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis

(4) Starting training

The next step is to have fun training! I personally prefer to train directly in vscode
ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis
Here you need to select the appropriate environment

Then just run it, and we find that it runs!

ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis

II. Analysis of specific components

1, Gazebo simulation environment part

After running Gazebo according to the first major section, the rostopic list shows that the following topics currently exist in ROS

ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis

The gazebo simulation environment is shown in the following figure.

ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis

2. file

(1)init Critical section

rospy.init_node("gym", anonymous=True) # initializes the ros node
    #-------------------------- posting content ----------------------------
    self.vel_pub = rospy.Publisher("/p3dx/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) # used to publish control information for mobile robots
    self.set_state = rospy.Publisher(
        "gazebo/set_model_state", ModelState, queue_size=10) # Used to set the position, angle information of the mobile robot
    self.publisher = rospy.Publisher("goal_point", MarkerArray, queue_size=3) # Used to publish target points
    self.publisher2 = rospy.Publisher("linear_velocity", MarkerArray, queue_size=1) # Linear velocity has no practical role in the MarkerArraty algorithm
    self.publisher3 = rospy.Publisher("angular_velocity", MarkerArray, queue_size=1) # Angular velocity has no practical effect on the MarkerArray algorithm
    #-------------------------- services ----------------------------
    self.unpause = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/unpause_physics", Empty) # Resume emulation
    self.pause = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/pause_physics", Empty) # Pause the simulation
    self.reset_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy("/gazebo/reset_world", Empty) # Reset the emulation environment
    # -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- subscriptions -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
    self.velodyne = rospy.Subscriber(
        "/velodyne_points", PointCloud2, self.velodyne_callback, queue_size=1) #subscribe to point clouds published by lidar
    self.odom = rospy.Subscriber(
        "/p3dx/odom", Odometry, self.odom_callback, queue_size=1) # Subscribe to mileage information

(2)step section

def step(self, action):
        target = False
        # Post the robot's actions, here the STEP input is action, action[0] is the linear velocity, action[1] is the angular velocity
        vel_cmd = Twist()
        vel_cmd.linear.x = action[0]
        vel_cmd.angular.z = action[1]
        #Watch out here !!!!!
        # First unpause, post the message and start the simulation
        except (rospy.ServiceException) as e:
            print("/gazebo/unpause_physics service call failed")
        # Next you need to stop for a short period of time to allow the cart to travel at its current speed for a while, TIME_DELTA = 0.1
        # Then we stop the simulation and start observing the current state #
        except (rospy.ServiceException) as e:
            print("/gazebo/pause_physics service call failed")
        # Detecting collisions
        done, collision, min_laser = self.observe_collision(self.velodyne_data)
        # Radar status
        v_state = []
        v_state[:] = self.velodyne_data[:]
        laser_state = [v_state]
        # Getting trolley orientation from odometer information
        self.odom_x = self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.x
        self.odom_y = self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.y
        quaternion = Quaternion(
        euler = quaternion.to_euler(degrees=False)
        angle = round(euler[2], 4)

        # Calculate the distance to the target point
        distance = np.linalg.norm(
            [self.odom_x - self.goal_x, self.odom_y - self.goal_y]

        # Calculate the angle of deviation
        skew_x = self.goal_x - self.odom_x
        skew_y = self.goal_y - self.odom_y
        dot = skew_x * 1 + skew_y * 0
        mag1 = math.sqrt(math.pow(skew_x, 2) + math.pow(skew_y, 2))
        mag2 = math.sqrt(math.pow(1, 2) + math.pow(0, 2))
        beta = math.acos(dot / (mag1 * mag2))
        if skew_y < 0:
            if skew_x < 0:
                beta = -beta
                beta = 0 - beta
        theta = beta - angle
        if theta > np.pi:
            theta = np.pi - theta
            theta = -np.pi - theta
        if theta < -np.pi:
            theta = -np.pi - theta
            theta = np.pi - theta
        # Determine if the target point has been reached
        if distance < GOAL_REACHED_DIST:
            target = True
            done = True
        # Output robot status
        robot_state = [distance, theta, action[0], action[1]]
        state = np.append(laser_state, robot_state)
        # Calculate incentives
        reward = self.get_reward(target, collision, action, min_laser)
        # Return status, reward, if it's over, if it's reached the target point
        return state, reward, done, target

Then we can summarizestepworkflow

①Post cmd_vel control topic

②Start simulation, run for 0.1s (can also be changed), stop simulation

③Get current status information

④Calculation of incentives

⑤Return information such as status, reward, and whether it is over or not

(3)reset section

def reset(self):
        # Reset the environment
        except rospy.ServiceException as e:
            print("/gazebo/reset_simulation service call failed")
        angle = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi)
        quaternion = Quaternion.from_euler(0.0, 0.0, angle)
        object_state = self.set_self_state
        x = 0
        y = 0
        position_ok = False
        while not position_ok:
            x = np.random.uniform(-4.5, 4.5)
            y = np.random.uniform(-4.5, 4.5)
            position_ok = check_pos(x, y)
        # Here's how to change the initial position of the mobile robot via the /gazebo/set_model_state topic
        object_state.pose.position.x = x
        object_state.pose.position.y = y
        # object_state.pose.position.z = 0.
        object_state.pose.orientation.x = quaternion.x
        object_state.pose.orientation.y = quaternion.y
        object_state.pose.orientation.z = quaternion.z
        object_state.pose.orientation.w = quaternion.w

        self.odom_x = object_state.pose.position.x
        self.odom_y = object_state.pose.position.y

        # Change a target point
        # Change small square obstacles in the environment
        self.publish_markers([0.0, 0.0])
        #Start simulation
        except (rospy.ServiceException) as e:
            print("/gazebo/unpause_physics service call failed")
        # Execute for a while
        # Stop the simulation and get the current state
        except (rospy.ServiceException) as e:
            print("/gazebo/pause_physics service call failed")
        v_state = []
        v_state[:] = self.velodyne_data[:]
        laser_state = [v_state]

        distance = np.linalg.norm(
            [self.odom_x - self.goal_x, self.odom_y - self.goal_y]

        skew_x = self.goal_x - self.odom_x
        skew_y = self.goal_y - self.odom_y

        dot = skew_x * 1 + skew_y * 0
        mag1 = math.sqrt(math.pow(skew_x, 2) + math.pow(skew_y, 2))
        mag2 = math.sqrt(math.pow(1, 2) + math.pow(0, 2))
        beta = math.acos(dot / (mag1 * mag2))

        if skew_y < 0:
            if skew_x < 0:
                beta = -beta
                beta = 0 - beta
        theta = beta - angle

        if theta > np.pi:
            theta = np.pi - theta
            theta = -np.pi - theta
        if theta < -np.pi:
            theta = -np.pi - theta
            theta = np.pi - theta

        robot_state = [distance, theta, 0.0, 0.0]
        state = np.append(laser_state, robot_state)
        # Return status values
        return state

Then we can summarizestepworkflow

① Reset the simulation environment using /gazebo/reset_world.

②Set the location of carts, obstacles, etc. in the environment

③Start simulation, run for 0.1s (can also be changed), stop simulation

④Get the current status information

⑤ Return status information

(4)reward part

def get_reward(target, collision, action, min_laser):
    if target:
        return 100.0
    elif collision:
        return -100.0
        r3 = lambda x: 1 - x if x < 1 else 0.0
        return action[0] / 2 - abs(action[1]) / 2 - r3(min_laser) / 2

Here is the part that calculates the reward, we can set our own reward function that returns the reward.


So we’re done introducing the most critical code in the env section!

This part is actually essentially no different than in gym, the only difference is that here the environment status information is obtained through the topic’s subscription release.

Also one of the most important parts is that we need to have that action run for that 0.1 or 0.05 seconds every time we execute it so that our cart can run properly for a distance. If we don’t set this run time, the cart’s action will post as fast as it can, then there’s no way for it to run properly at all, and STEP will explode instantly.

3, statement

This section is the python file that trains the network parameters.

Lines 1-287 of this are the TD3 network structure and various parameter settings, which are not described in this section.

While from row 288 is the main part of the training, and this part is essentially no different than in the gym. Let’s take the most important part of the process and talk about it.

if done:
    state = env.reset()
    done = False
# This is the reset part when the turn is over, using env.reset() to reset the environment, reassign positions to the carts and obstacles, and initialize other variables.
action = network.get_action(np.array(state))
#This is the part where we input our observed states into the neural network and get the actions from them.
a_in = [(action[0]+1)/2,action[1]]
next_state, reward, done, target = env.step(a_in)
#Here we input the action into the environment and perform a step operation. The step function returns next_state,forward,done,target.

Then we can see that this is actually basically the same training steps as in any reinforcement learning, and just save the network parameters at the end.

III. How to deploy to the actual vehicle

(1) Simulation training to get a good network

ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis

After simulation training, it is possible to obtain the respective network parameters of the ac network

(2) Network parameter loading

class Actor(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, state_dim, action_dim):
        super(Actor, self).__init__()

        self.layer_1 = nn.Linear(state_dim, 800)
        self.layer_2 = nn.Linear(800, 600)
        self.layer_3 = nn.Linear(600, action_dim)
        self.tanh = nn.Tanh()

    def forward(self, s):
        s = F.relu(self.layer_1(s))
        s = F.relu(self.layer_2(s))
        a = self.tanh(self.layer_3(s))
        return a
# TD3 network
class TD3(object):
    def __init__(self, state_dim, action_dim):
        # Initialize the Actor network
        self.device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")  # cuda or cpu = Actor(state_dim, action_dim)"/home/polya/DRL-robot-navigation-main/pytorch_models180/TD3_final_actor.pth")) =
        self.max_action = 1
    def get_action(self, state):
        # Function to get the action from the actor
        state = torch.Tensor(state.reshape(1, -1)).to(self.device)
        action =
        action = action.clip(-self.max_action,self.max_action)
        linear_v = (action[0]+1)/2
        angle_v = action[1]
        return linear_v,angle_v
    def load(self, filename, directory):
            torch.load("%s/%s_actor.pth" % (directory, filename))

Here we really only need a network of actors, and the function only needs a get_action
Of course it is also possible to write the network directly following the previous one, so that you can also collect actual data along the way for further training.

(3) Acquisition and processing of real vehicle information

#-------------------Pub and Sub--------------
        self.GoalPub = rospy.Publisher("/GoalPoint",Marker,queue_size=10)
        self.LaserSub = rospy.Subscriber("/scan",LaserScan,self.LaserScanCallBack)
        self.OdomSub = rospy.Subscriber("/odom",Odometry,self.OdomCallBack)
        self.goalxSub = rospy.Subscriber("/goal_x",Float32,self.goalxCallBack)
        self.goalySub = rospy.Subscriber("/goal_y",Float32,self.goalyCallBack)

Here I am using a Publisher Publish/GoalPoint topic, this is to make the target point into a Marker to send out, just to display in Rviz

Subscription: 1, /scan LIDAR information, here I used a 2D LIDAR, the scanning information obtained into the PointCloud2 point cloud information and used in the back of the calculation, of course, I also used a 2D LIDAR in the training process for training!

2, /odom odometer information, used to obtain the current position and speed of the real car in real time, of course, here you can also be replaced by what gps imu and other information, just need to finally be transformed into the corresponding state of the training inputs

3, /goal_x and /goal_y. Here is to receive the coordinates of our target position, because of laziness directly wrote two float32 Subscriber to receive, the back can be changed to a custom message or what the odometer information

The next step is to consolidate the information and return an array of state statuses

def GetStates(self): # Actually, this is much the same as the way we got the information in earlier.
        target =False
        v_state = []
        v_state[:] = self.velodyne_data[:]
        # Radar status input
        laser_state = [v_state]
        self.odom_x = self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.x
        self.odom_y = self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.y
        quaternion = Quaternion(
        euler = quaternion.to_euler(degrees=False)
        angle = round(euler[2], 4)
        distance = np.linalg.norm(
            [self.odom_x - self.goal_x, self.odom_y - self.goal_y]
        skew_x = self.goal_x - self.odom_x
        skew_y = self.goal_y - self.odom_y
        dot = skew_x * 1 + skew_y * 0
        mag1 = math.sqrt(math.pow(skew_x, 2) + math.pow(skew_y, 2))
        mag2 = math.sqrt(math.pow(1, 2) + math.pow(0, 2))
        beta = math.acos(dot / (mag1 * mag2))
        if skew_y < 0:
            if skew_x < 0:
                beta = -beta
                beta = 0 - beta
        theta = beta - angle
        if theta > np.pi:
            theta = np.pi - theta
            theta = -np.pi - theta
        if theta < -np.pi:
            theta = -np.pi - theta
            theta = np.pi - theta
        self.dis = distance
        if distance < GOAL_REACHED_DIST:
            target = True
      	# Robot status input
        robot_state = [distance, theta, self.last_odom.twist.twist.linear.x,self.last_odom.twist.twist.angular.z]
        state = np.append(laser_state,robot_state)
        # Finally, we return the cart's status inputs, including radar inputs and robot status inputs, as well as whether or not it has reached the target location
        return state,target

(4) Simple executive part

rospy.init_node("my_car") #initialize node
car = mycar() # Instantiate the real car information fetching class
# -------- Lazy Target Points Released ---------------
xpub = rospy.Publisher("/goal_x",Float32,queue_size=10)
ypub = rospy.Publisher("/goal_y",Float32,queue_size=10)
network = TD3(24,2) #Instantiate TD3 network
pub = rospy.Publisher("/cmd_vel",Twist,queue_size=10) #/cmd_vel publish for controlling cart movement
rate = rospy.Rate(10) # wait frequency, equivalent to DELTA_TIME in the simulation environment

while not rospy.is_shutdown():
    state,target = car.GetStates() #Get state information
    if not target:
        linear_x,angular_z = network.get_action(np.array(state)) # input state into network, output linear and angular velocity
        cmd_vel = Twist() #Post speeds into Twist
        cmd_vel.linear.x = linear_x/5 # here found that the fastest 1m/s is still too fast, so manually reduced to the maximum 0.2
        cmd_vel.angular.z = angular_z/5
        pub.publish(cmd_vel) #publish the message
    if state[20]<COLLISION_DIST: #simply determine collision
    if target: #Simple to determine if the target has been reached or not
    rate.sleep() # stop for a period of time, let here set to 0.1s, then the control frequency is 10hz

Then run it and we can open rviz and see the cart move!

But here I use the cart actually simulation environment is not a cart, em but their control is also relatively similar to it, and finally can realize the corresponding effect, the most correct way is to import your own cart urdf into the gazebo simulation!

ROS+Gazebo Reinforcement Learning from Virtual Training to Live Vehicle Deployment Full Process Analysis

By the way, jupyter is used to write here, I found it really easy to mess with the algorithmic part of ROS inside jupyter! It’s worth a try!

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