Python’s method for importing torch packages



With the continuous development of artificial intelligence, machine learning this technology is also more and more important, many people have opened to learn machine learning, this article introduces the basic content of machine learning in the download torch package met some problems and solutions.

I. What is Pythorch?

  • Pytorch is the python version of torch, a neural network framework open-sourced by Facebook, specifically targeted at GPU-accelerated deep neural network (DNN) programming.Torch is a classic tensor library for manipulating multidimensional matrix data, and is widely used in machine learning and other math-intensive applications.
  • Pytorch’s computational graph is dynamic and can be changed in real time according to computational needs.
  • Because the Torch language uses Lua, it has been very niche in China, and is gradually losing users to Tensorflow, which supports Python. As a port of the classic machine learning library Torch, PyTorch provides Python users with a comfortable option for writing code.

Second, how to download and import the torch package?

If you want to use PyTorch in Python, you need to install PyTorch first. the easiest way to install PyTorch is to use the pip package manager. You can install PyTorch by running the following command from the command line:

pip install torch 

In your Python code, you can use the import statement to import PyTorch packages.

import torch

In your code, you can create a tensor by using the torch.Tensor constructor.
For example, you can create a 2×3 tensor and fill it with 3 using the .fill_() method:

import torch tensor = torch.Tensor(2, 3).fill_(3) print(tensor)


tensor([[3., 3., 3.], [3., 3., 3.]])

You can also use the torch.randn() function to create a random tensor, for example:

import torch tensor = torch.randn(2, 3) print(tensor)


tensor([[-1.1158, 0.2314, 0.5791], [ 0.5495, 0.5640, 0.5286]])

Third, pip package manager download failure torch, the solution and the official website to download teaching

1. Download failure, solution

  1. Check that your internet connection is working. If you have problems with your network, the installation may fail.
  2. Make sure you are using the latest version of the pip package manager. You can check your pip version using the pip –version command. If your pip version is too old, you can upgrade pip using the command pip install –upgrade pip.
  3. Try installing using a domestic mirror source. You can use the pip install -i torch command to install PyTorch using the Tsinghua University mirror source.
  4. If none of the above methods solve the problem, you can try downloading the PyTorch installer manually and installing it. You can download the PyTorch installer from thePyTorch official website link: ( to download the installation package and install it using the pip install command.
  5. If you still can’t solve the problem, try adding thePyTorch Official Forum( for help.

2.Official website download

If you want to download and install PyTorch from the PyTorch website, you first need to determine your system platform and Python version, and then choose the appropriate installer to download.The PyTorch website provides a variety of installers, so you can choose the one that is appropriate for your system platform and Python version. Here are the steps for installing PyTorch on Windows, Linux, and MacOS:

  • Windows
  1. Visit the official PyTorch website:
  2. At the top of the page, click on the “Get Started” menu.
  3. In the Installation tab, select your system platform and Python version.
  4. In the “Install PyTorch” box, click “Pip”.
  5. Copy the install command and run it from the command line to install PyTorch.
  • Linux
  1. Visit the official PyTorch website:
  2. At the top of the page, click on the “Get Started” menu.
  3. In the Installation tab, select your system platform and Python version.
  4. In the “Install PyTorch” box, click “Pip”.
  5. Copy the install command and run it from the command line to install PyTorch.
  • MacOS
  1. Visit the official PyTorch website:
  2. At the top of the page, click on the “Get Started” menu.
  3. In the Installation tab, select your system platform and Python version.
  4. In the “Install PyTorch” box

Fourth, why there will be the official website to download and local direct download, torch two ways?

  • Downloading and installing PyTorch from the PyTorch website usually involves manually downloading the installer and installing it. This is usually better for situations where you need to install a specific version of PyTorch or need to install additional dependencies.
  • Installing PyTorch using the pip package manager is done by running pip install torch from the command line, which is a convenient way to automatically download and install PyTorch and the required dependencies.
  • For the most part, installing PyTorch using the pip package manager is usually the easiest way to go. However, if you need to install a specific version of PyTorch or need to install additional dependencies, consider downloading and installing PyTorch from the official PyTorch website.


All of the above are since the download torch, encountered some problems and questions, I hope to be able to give you help! If you have any questions, you can also leave me a message, thank you for your support!

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