vivado Error Summary 1 — WARING:[Labtools 27-3361] the debug hub core was not detected make sure the clock


vivado Error Summary 1 -- WARING:[Labtools 27-3361] the debug hub core was not detected make sure the clock

I can’t open the debug screen of debug after program device, I get the following error:

WARING:[Labtools 27-3361] the debug hub core was not detected make sure the clock connected to the debug hub core is a free running clock and is active make sure the BSCAN_SWITCE_USER_MASK device property in vivado hardware manager reflects the user scan chain setting in the design and refresh the device.

Solution: 1) the error message is not connected to a free clock, my clock is from the XDMA lead out, has been reported this error because I burned the program has not been turned on the Linux computer, resulting in the XDMA did not work, that is, there is no clock signal. When I burn the program before inserting the FPGA into the computer and power on the computer, after the XDMA works, and then burn the program can open the DEBUG interface without any problem.

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