MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial


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MySQL Installation and Configuration Tutorial 8.0.34 (Hands-on Super Detailed Graphic Tutorial)

I. Non-first-time installations (skip to the next section if this is the first installation)

1, because not the first time to install, but because uninstalled and installed again in the installation process will appear in the following warning:
The solution is to just delete the destination folder cleanly.
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

II. First Installation

1, in the browser search “MySQL” to enter the official website, it is recommended to use “Bing” search!

“MySQL” official website address: [click to jump]
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

2、Enter the official website, select “Download” to enter the download page.

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

3. Select “MySQL Community (GPL) Downloads” on the “Downloads” page.

Go to “downloading“After the page, scroll down to find “MySQL Community (GPL) Downloads” option to access the Community Edition download.
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

4. After entering the “MySQL Community Downloads” page, find “MySQL Installer for Windows” and download the Windows version.

As shown: (E, C)
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

5, in the next page, select the second download

instant downloadlocal versionspeciousonline editionAs shown: (E, C)
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

6. In the jump page, select

The small blue letters in the lower left corner are “No thanks, just start my download.“or”No, thanks. Start the download.”。
If it appears that you can’t download the words, in other cases you can choose this file, I’ve “MySQL“Upload to [Download MySQL]】 Extract code: 9pfh

As shown: (E, C)
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

7, after the download and run the installer, pop-up dialog box. (If there is no pop-up dialog box, please see section 8)

If the dialog box pops up as shown, it is not installed “Framework 4.5.2“At this point, you can go to the Microsoft website to download “Framework 4.5.2”.
As Figure:
There may be people who can’t download it due to some problems, so I have prepared the resources here.
Click me to download the offline package】Extract code: k29j
Click me to download the online package】 Extract code: 2cg8
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

8, when the success of the program after (Hint: until the 13th subsection are the next step)

Select “Full” is to install all the files, the next step.
As pictured:
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

9. Select Next

As pictured:

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

10. Next

As pictured:
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

11. Next

As pictured:
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

12. Next

As pictured:
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

13. Set the “MySQL Password”, (Hint: It’s the next step until subsection 18.)

As pictured;
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

14. Next

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

15. Next

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

17. Next

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

18. If an error occurs during installation in step 17, as shown.

in that caseComputer nameset upChinese writingPut the name of the computerChange to EnglishThat’s all.
Error as shown:
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial
Modify as shown: only need to change the computer name can be changed, do not need to change the user name (unless after changing the name of the computer still error)
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

19. Next (Hint: it’s all next until subsection 22)

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

20. Next

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

21. Next

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

22. Re-enter the password once for password verification. (Hint: the back until the end are the next step)

Enter the completion password and click “Check“, then wait for the password to be verified and next step.
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

23. Next

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

24. Next

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

25. Next

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

26, Next, this is the last step, next configure the graphical interface “Navicat Premium 12”.

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

Navicat Premium 12 Installation Configuration

Installation of “Navicat Premium 12”.

1. Get “Navicat Premium 12” and install it.

Navicat Premium 12:【Click on me to jump]extract:ouf8
Green Patch: [Click on me to jump】 Extraction code: 5pc2

II. Installation of green patches

1. Open the root directory of Navicat Premium 12.

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

2. Unzip the prepared, patch file

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

3, select the required patch, and then copy it to the root directory just opened and replace the files therein.

(If you don’t know how many bits your system is, please do the following: Right click “My computer.“or”calculator“Select “Properties” in the pop-up menu.
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial
Check the operation of the system bits:
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial
As shown in the figure: 64 for the system
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

4. After copying the patch, open the software. Select “Trial”

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

5. When connecting for the first time, an error will appear as shown in the figure:

The reason is because of the encryption, you can check online for the details. The solution is as follows:
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

6. “Navicat Premium 12” connection error solution.

Password encryption can be resolved by using the following command.
Command: ALTER USER ‘account’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY ‘password ‘;
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

7. Select “MySQL 8.0 Command Line Client” in the start menu and enter your password to enter the MySQL command line.

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

8. After entering the command line of MySQL, modify the above command, paste it into the command line, and enter ok to complete the modification.

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial
Enter to bring up ok.
MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

9, reconnect, it’s not a bad error.

MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial

This tutorial ends everywhere!

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