Github Student Certification + Copilot


Github Student Certification Over and Over + Copilot Free Trial

The ultimate strategy for passing the student certification once and for all, summarized from 14 failed student certification experiences.

Github Student Certification + Copilot

Step1: Modify personal information

  • Github avatar in the upper right corner click on Your profile
    • Name: change to your English name, e.g., Li Mingtian.
    • Bio:I am Li Mingtian, a student in xxx university. I want to study in Github and try to make some contributions to the community.
    • Company:Xxx University
    • Location:Xxx University

Step2: Preparation of materials

  • Export your English transcript, which needs to have a current date (I used the school’s English transcript (including GPA and grade point average))
  • Computer screenshot of transcript, saved as jpeg format

Step3: Submission of materials

  • Using a cell phone (Don’t use the computer.) OpenGithub Student Certification URLBe careful never to go scientific!!!
  • Then fill it out like this:
    • Mailbox: pick one at random
    • School: Enter your school name directly in Chinese, then select the school information that pops up
    • Reason: I want to study in Github and try to make some contributions to the community.
    • Select continue to allow position acquisition
  • Cell phone option to upload photos, upload jpeg images from step2
  • Select transcript for type and submit.

Step4: Check results

  • Check the results at your email address, usually 2-3 minutes if you apply in the evening

Step5:Github Copilot

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