
  • The Appeal of Auto-assembly: Spring Boot vs Traditional Spring


    What are some of the certificates in the IT industry that are highly valued? Article Catalog What are some of the certificates in the IT industry that are highly valued? preamble make a distinction Project Configuration: Dependency management: Embedded server: Development Experience: an actual example Sample Spring project: Sample Spring Boot project: summarize Column Highlights […]

  • MySQL 8.0.34 and Navicat Premium 12 Installation and Configuration Tutorial


    Tutorial Catalog MySQL Installation and Configuration Tutorial 8.0.34 (Hands-on Super Detailed Graphic Tutorial)I. Non-first-time installations (skip to the next section if this is the first installation)II. First Installation1, in the browser search “MySQL” to enter the official website, it is recommended to use “Bing” search!2、Enter the official website, select “Download” to enter the download page.3. […]

  • [Spring]AOP advanced -JoinPoint and ProceedingJoinPoint


    Article Catalog 1. Preamble2. Introduction to JoinPoint3. Obtaining information about the enhanced method4. ProceedingJoinPoint5. Obtaining information about the surround notification method6. Summary 1. Preamble In Spring AOP, JoinPoint and ProceedingJoinPoint are both key interfaces for getting information about methods in a cutover and controlling method execution. Their main difference lies in the way they are […]

  • Fpga development notes (II): Gowin FPGA development software Gowin and Gowin fpga basic development process


    preamble This article installs Gowin, Gowin’s development software, and describes the development environment and complete download and runtime of a program based on Gowin’s fpga. Gowin Software summarize Gowin software is the FPGA development software of Guangdong Gowin Semiconductor Co. download address Apply for license Apply for license at There is also a […]

  • SpringBoot [SpringBoot] springboot auto-assembly principles


    Article Catalog What is automated assembly SpringBoot auto-assembly concrete operation What is automated assembly Auto-Configuration is one of the core features of the Spring Boot framework.It automatically configures and assembles the various components required by a Spring application by scanning the application’s classpath and dependencies. In traditional Spring applications , developers need to manually configure […]

  • Crawlers in action –


    Article Catalog preambleDiscover the treasure. preamble In order to consolidate the knowledge gained, the author tries to start posting some study note type blogs for future review. Of course, if you can help some of the budding new technology learning that is also excellent. The author is a vegetable, if there are errors in the […]

  • SpringBoot – LiteFlow Engine Framework


    Introduction to LiteFlow LiteFlowanLightweight and powerful domestic rules engine frameworkIt can be used in the area of orchestration for complex componentized businesses. Helps make systems silky smooth and flexible. UtilizingLiteFlowYou can transform the waterfall code into a component as the core concept of the code structure, the benefit of this structure is that it can […]

  • [Spring]SpringBoot Unified Function Processing


    Article Catalog preamble1. Interceptor1.1 What is an interceptor1.2 Use of interceptors1.2.1 Customizing Interceptors1.2.2 Registering a Configuration Interceptor 1.3 Interceptor Explained1.3.1 Intercepting paths1.3.2 Interceptor Execution Flow1.3.3 Adapter model 2. Harmonization of data return formats3. Harmonization of exception handling preamble In the daily use of the Spring framework for development, for some boards, you may need to […]

  • JavaWeb Framework: Introduction to Spring MVC


    Spring MVC summarize summarize MVC (Model View Controller), as a design pattern for layered development of applications. Spring MVCSpring MVC provides a front-end controller DispatcherServlet to dispatch requests , and then through the configuration of the handler mapping , view parsing , etc., to make the MVC pattern development more efficient . Spring MVC five […]

  • springboot oriental (tongweb) replace tomcat


    I. Modify pom.xml file dependencies 1. Excluding built-in tomcat dependencies in springboot2. Add tongweb-spring-boot-starter and tongweb-embed dependencies Special note: I have all the dependent packages passed to the private repository, directly copying to the pom.xml file will fail to import. <! — SpringBoot Web Container –> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactId> <! — Exclude self-contained tomcat dependencies […]