
  • [MySQL] Don’t Allow Data You Don’t Know How to Insert


    Article Catalog Previously on MySQL Details of this chapter Data insertion Insert complete rows Inserting multiple rows Insert the retrieved data How to consolidate learning Summary of this article Previously on MySQL Hello everyone, today is the nth time I write about MySQL, but also recently learned MySQL, and also want to record my learning […]

  • Indexes in MySQL


    Article Catalog 1. Overview of the index1.1 Index Overview1.2 Advantages1.3 Disadvantages1.6 Common Indexing Concepts1.6.1 Clustered Indexes1.6.2 Secondary indexes (auxiliary indexes, non-clustered indexes)1.6.3 Federated indexes 1.8 Principles of MyISAM Indexing1.9 MyISAM vs InnoDB1.10 Cost of Indexing 2. Principles of index creation and design2.1 Declaration and Use of Indexes2.1.1 Classification of indexes2.1.2 Creating indexes2.1.2.1 Creating indexes when […]

  • Mysql Query Statements


    simple query ## Direct query Syntax: select field from table name; For example, select name, age from student; Ans: Query name and age from the student table. ## Conditional queries Syntax: select field from table name where Condition; For example, select name from student where age = 15; Ans: Query the student table for name […]

  • JDBC Connecting to MySQL


    catalogs I. Beginning II. Introduction 1, the concept of JDBC 2、Functions of JDBC 3, JDBC common interfaces and classes III. Database creation (MySQL) 1. Connecting to MySQL (1), register the driver (2) Getting Connected (3), get the executor connection (4), execute the SQL statement, and accept the results (5), processing results (6) Release of resources […]

  • MySQL Table Additions, Deletions and Changes (Basic)


    Article Catalog ☕️1. CRUD☕️ 2. Create 2.1 Single-line data + full-column insertion 2.2 Multiple Rows + Specified Column Insertion 2.3 Insertion format on time (homework data table): 3. Query (Retrieve) 3.1 Full-column queries 3.2 Specified Column Queries 3.3 Query Fields as Expressions 3.4 Alias 3.5 De-weighting: DISTINCT 3.6 Sorting: ORDER BY 3.7 Conditional queries: WHERE […]

  • mysql enable remote access privileges


    1. Login to MySQL mysql -u root -p Enter your password 2. Select mysql database use mysql; Because the mysql database stores the user table with user information. 3. View information about the current root user in the user table of the mysql database. select host, user, authentication_string, plugin from user;  After executing the above […]

  • DML statements in SQL


    preamble Previously we have explained DDL statements in SQL statements. Today we will continue with the DML statement of SQL. DML is the Data Manipulation Language.Used to add, delete, and change data operations on the tables in the library.。 1. Add data to the specified field(INSERT) 2. Modify data(UPDATE) 3. Delete data(DELETE) catalogs preamble I. […]

  • MySQL 5.7 Detailed Download, Installation and Configuration Tutorial


    The following MySQL 5.7.27 Detailed Download, Installation and Configuration Tutorials [A long time ago also recorded a MySQL8.0 installation and configuration process, if 8.0 can refer to another article below] MySQL Download and Installation and Navicat Configuration (Super Detailed) _Kilimanjaro Dawn’s Blog – Blog_navicat configuration mysql I. Preface Recently had a few years ago, the […]

  • [MySQL] Column Collection, from Basic Concepts to Tuning


    catalogs catalogs 1. Basic concepts and SQL 2.SQL Tuning 3. Optimize the index 4. Some engineering issues 1. Basic concepts and SQL Article Link: MySQL Basic Concepts and SQL__BugMan’s Blog – Blogs This section will talk about basic MySQL concepts and SQL operations, and will cover the following topics: What is MySQL Relational, non-relational database […]

  • Mysql installation and configuration tutorial (detailed)


    First a brief overview is divided into several steps: I. Download Mysql II. Installing Mysql Third, verify that the Mysql installation is successful IV. Configuring environment variables V. Verify that the configuration of environment variables is successful I. Download Mysql To install MySQL on Windows or Mac, first download the latest version of MySQL Community […]