
  • Demystifying the underlying mysteries of lists


    catalogs I. List underlying framework (1) Node class (2) Iterator class (3) The list class II. Constructors (1) Parameterless construction (2) n-value construction (3) Iterator interval construction (4) Copy construction III. Iterators Iterator implementation ① Tectonic ② ‘*’ and ‘->’ ③ Pre-++ and post-++ ④ Front – vs. back – ⑤ Comparison operators Iterators in […]

  • Data Structures – Single Linked Tables


    catalogs I. Preamble II. Chained table representation and implementation (single linked tables) 1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of sequential tables 1.2 Concept and structure of a linked table 1.3 Printing Functions 1.4 Space functions 1.5 The Tail-Plug Function (the most, most troublesome) 1.5.1 The most critical part of the tail plug! 1.6 Header Interpolation Functions 1.7 […]

  • Detailed steps for downloading and installing MinGW-w64 (windows version of gcc, the compiler for c/c++, real available for win10)


    I. Introduction to MinGW-w64 The full name of MinGW is Minimalist GNU on Windows, which is actually a port of gcc (c/c++ compiler) to the Windows platform, and includes Win32API, so you can compile the source code into executable programs that can run in Windows. It also allows you to use some development tools for […]

  • [LLM] Windows local CPU deployment folk version of the Chinese alpaca model (Chinese-LLaMA-Alpaca) stepping on the pit record


    catalogs preamble preliminary Git  Python3.9  Cmake Download model Consolidation model Deployment models preamble I’m sure some of you would like to experience deploying a large language model like I do, but it’s in the way of economic strength, but there are a lot of quantitative models in the private sector, so we can also experience […]

  • Installation and use of the Boost library on Windows


    catalogs 1. Basic introduction 2、Download and install 3. Configuration boost environment (VS2010) 4. Testing 1. Basic introduction The Boost library is a number of extensions to the C++ language standard library for theC++A general term for a library of programs, developed and maintained by the Boost community organization. Its purpose is to provide free, peer-reviewed, […]

  • Windows 10/Windows 11 Subsystem (WSL2) Installation of Ubuntu 20.04 (with desktop environment)


    catalogs preambleI. Installing a Linux Subsystem on WindowsPrerequisite.Installation steps1. Enable developer mode2. Enable “Windows subsystems for Linux”.3. Installation of Linux distributions3.1 Upgrading the WSL kernel3.2 Enabling the Virtual Machine Function3.3 Setting WSL 2 as the Default Version3.4 Installing Ubuntu 20.04 Second, install the desktop environment on the subsystem Ubuntu 20.041. Replacement of software sources2. Updating […]

  • MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)


    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version) I. Download mysql databaseII. Installing MysqlThird, verify whether the installation is successful(A), the command prompt cmd window verification(ii) MySQL Console Verification I. Download mysql database Go to the official MySQL website (, click on the download page in the order shown below. Note: There are two MSI […]

  • webrtc-streamer tutorial for accessing camera video streams


    catalogs preamble I. The API of webrtc-streamer II. Introduction to webrtc-streamer startup commands 1. Original text 2. Translation Installation and deployment of webrtc-streamer 1.Download Address version deployment 3. Linux version deployment springboot integrates webrtc-streamer V. Public network access to camera video using webrtc-streamer preamble Recently, the company is engaged in streaming media, […]

  • [Data Structures] Bidirectional Chained Table Explained


    When we have finished learning the single chained table, two-way chained table is much simpler, two-way chained table in the head insertion, tail insertion, head deletion, tail deletion, and arbitrary position insertion, arbitrary position deletion than the single-chained table is simple, today, follow the small Zhang together to learn it! Classification of bi-directional linked tables […]

  • Docker – Windows version of Docker installation


    catalogs I. Introduction 1.1 How does Docker solve the problem of complex dependencies and compatibility of different component dependencies in large projects? 1.2 How Docker Solves the Problem of Differing Development, Test, and Production Environments 1.3 Difference between Docker and Virtual Machines 1.4 Docker Architecture 1.5 Summary Second, Docker installation (Windows version) 2.1 Preparing the […]