Category:Software Engineering

  • Github Student Certification + Copilot


    Github Student Certification + Copilot, this one is enough! Github Student Certification Over and Over + Copilot Free TrialStep1: Modify personal informationStep2: Preparation of materialsStep3: Submission of materialsStep4: Check resultsStep5:Github Copilot Github Student Certification Over and Over + Copilot Free Trial The ultimate strategy for passing the student certification once and for all, summarized from […]

  • Hexo + Github + Netlify blog building tutorials


    1. Preface The initial page results of the blog can be seen on my blog:Leo, welcome to support the visit. This blog is based onHexo, so first of all, it’s important to understand the framework we’ll be using to build our blog.Hexois an efficient static website generation framework based on theNode.jsFast, simple and powerful, it’s […]

  • fatal: unable to access ‘https Recv failure Connection was reset


    This error is often encountered when using git:fatal: unable to access ‘…/.git’:Recv failure Connection was reset。 Combined with my personal experience of recent use, I offer two methods that have been personally tested to be effective. Method 1 This method is also the most common method, which is executed in the terminal: git config –global […]

  • Understanding the three major open source relational databases: SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL


    catalogs 1. Overview 2、SQLite database 2.1 Introduction to SQLite 2.2、SQLite Advantages and Disadvantages 2.3、SQLite application scenarios 3. MySQL database 3.1 Introduction to MySQL 3.2. MySQL Advantages and Disadvantages 3.3. MySQL Application Scenarios 4. PostgreSQL database 4.1 Introduction to PostgreSQL 4.2. PostgreSQL Advantages 4.3. PostgreSQL Application Scenarios 5. Selection in the actual system VC++ common function […]

  • [Git] Git branches and tags to master these skills let you become a qualified coder


    I. Practical scenarios of branching and labeling in the development process 1.1. What is Branching and Labeling Branches: Function Development: When a team member needs to develop a new feature, a new feature branch can be created. This branch can be independent of the main development line and does not interfere with other development work, […]