
  • Data Link Layer Protocol – Ethernet Protocol


    Article Catalog The link layer solves the problemEthernet protocolUnderstanding EthernetEthernet frame formatRecognizing MAC AddressesCompare and contrast understanding of MAC addresses and IP addressesGetting to know MTUImpact of MUT on IP protocolsImpact of MTU on the UDP protocolImpact of MTU on the TCP protocolThe process of transferring data across a network ARP protocolRole of the ARP […]

  • nginx Multiple Load Balancing


    I. Concepts Nginx load balancing is a widely used technique in distributed applications to improve application availability and performance, and to guarantee system stability and reliability by achieving balanced distribution of requests. Nginx load balancing is a technique for centralizing requests to multiple servers. Load balancing enables requests to be distributed across different servers, thus […]

  • Unable to save ip settings, prompted to check one or more settings and try again.


    Some users upgraded their computers to Win11 system, they want to set ip, but they found that they can’t save ip settings please check one or more settings and retry, how do we solve it? Pure Home – win7 pure version system_win7 ghost pure version cure 1, “win + R” shortcut key to open the […]

  • Network Layer Protocol – IP Protocol


    Article Catalog IP protocolbasic conceptIP protocol formatSegmentation and AssemblysegmentationSpecial IP addressLimitations on the number of IP addressesPrivate IP address and public IP addressrouting (in computer networks)Routing Table Generation Algorithm IP protocol IP protocol is known as the “Internet Protocol”, IP protocol is the network layer protocol in the TCP/IP system. basic concept Problems solved at […]

  • [Transport Layer] TCP — three handshakes, four waves.


    timeout retransmission mechanismConnection Management MechanismhandshakeFour waves.sliding windowcongestion controldelayed responsebring a message to sb.byte stream orientedSticky bag problemTCP anomalyTCP SummaryBased on TCP application layer protocolUnderstanding the second argument to listen timeout retransmission mechanism After host A sends data to B, the data may not reach host B because of network congestion or other reasons;If host A […]

  • QT- QNetworkAccessManager


    QT(17)- QNetworkAccessManager 1 Introduction2 Types of public ownership3 Functions3.1 addStrictTransportSecurityHosts3.2 autoDeleteReplies3.3 cache3.4 clearAccessCache3.5 clearConnectionCache3.6 connectToHost3.7 connectToHostEncrypted3.8 cookieJar3.9 deleteResource3.10 enableStrictTransportSecurityStore3.11 get3.12 head3.13 isStrictTransportSecurityEnabled3.14 isStrictTransportSecurityStoreEnabled3.15 post3.16 proxy3.17 proxyFactory3.18 put3.19 redirectPolicy3.20 sendCustomReques3.21 setAutoDeleteReplies3.22 setCache 4 Signals5 Protected Functions6 Protected Slots 1 Introduction QNetworkAccessManager is a class in the Qt network module that is used to manage network requests […]

  • How to send messages using websocket on the front end


    preamble Learn how to send messages using websocket on the front-end today! 1 Introduction to the Basics 1.1 What is WebSocket WebSocket is a protocol for full-duplex communication over a single TCP connection that allows real-time, two-way communication between a client and a server. Unlike traditional HTTP requests, WebSocket uses a long connection to maintain […]

  • Solution to the HTTPSConnectionPool(host=’’, port=443) error that occurs


    This error, HTTPSConnectionPool(host=’’, port=443), often occurs when downloading the huggingface model, even if you’ve got the right internet posture. As in the download of Tokenizer. tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(“csebuetnlp/mT5_multilingual_XLSum”) The above error HTTPSConnectionPool(host=’’, port=443) will occur. The solution can be twofold. 1. Directly download the model The first way, you can directly on huggingface, specify the […]

  • [Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘http’ to solve cross-domain problems.


    When a request url protocol, domain name, port any one of the three with the current page url is different that is cross-domain !!!!

  • TCP Streaming Socket Programming


    Article Catalog preamble Comparison of TCP and UDP features TcpEchoServer server-side implementation 1. Create the ServerSocket class to realize the communication between the two sides to establish a connection. 2. Check out the established connection to enable communication between the two parties 3. Server-side business logic realization Close resource Overall server-side code TcpEchoClient Client Implementation […]