
  • What is a cookie? What’s it for?


    What’s a cookie? The Chinese translation of cookie is the meaning of cookie, sweet cake. Cookies are actually some data information of the type”small text file“, stored in a text file on your computer. What are cookies for? Let’s imagine a scenario, when we open a website, if this website we once logged in, then […]

  • Remote debugging with springboot server-side? Try HTTP for service listening


    Article Catalog preamble 1. Local environment setup 1.1 Environmental parameters 1.2 Build springboot service project 2. Intranet penetration 2.1 Installing and configuring cpolar intranet penetration 2.1.1 windows 2.1.2 linux 2.2 Creating a Tunnel to Map Local Ports 2.3 Testing public network addresses 3. Fixed public network address 3.1 Reservation of a second-level subdomain 3.2 Configuring […]

  • Differences between HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3


    Preface: Today the Internet has become an important part of people’s lives, and the HTTP protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is the basis for supporting Web communications. With the development of Web technology and the increasing number of Internet applications, HTTP is also evolving. The purpose of this paper is to introduce three important versions in […]

  • HTTP request methods, blank lines, body, introduction to the internal request header and sticky packet problems


    catalogs I. Introduction to GET and POST ii. blank lines and body Third, the first acquaintance with the request header and sticky packet problem IV. Recognizing the remainder of the request header I. Introduction to GET and POST GET The method in the request message, which is the most conventional method (getting resources) POST: […]

  • Networking, HTTP, Session Hold, Authentication Authorization


    catalogs 1. Networking 2.HTTP 2.1. Message structure 2.1.1. request message 2.1.2. Response message 2.2. Methodology 2.3.HTTPS 2.4. Cross-domain 3. Session Hold 3.1. Overview 3.2.cookie 3.3.session 4. Authentication authorization 4.1.Token 4.2.JWT 4.3.oauth 1. Networking Computer networks: Computer network, a set of topologies consisting of nodes and edges. The edge, or link, is the backbone link between […]

  • [Computer Networks] Transport Layer Protocol – TCP


    Article Catalog 1. Congestion controlslow startSliding window final sizeWhy is an exponential increase scheme used to design the rate of increase of the corresponding congestion window? 2. Delayed response3. Sticky packages4. TCP exceptions (interview questions)process terminationrebootNetwork cable disconnection 5. Fully connected queues 1. Congestion control All hosts and devices throughout the network adhere to the […]

  • How to proxy MySQL connection with Nginx and limit accessible IPs?


    1. Preface Our production environments are basically deployed on cloud servers, such as application servers, MySQL servers and so on. If the MySQL server is directly exposed to the public network, there is a great risk, and the ports of the MySQL server are not open to the public in order to ensure data security. […]