
  • Configuring the Python Development Environment in VScode


    1. Install python Official website download address: Double-click to open the .exe file Check the Add Python 3.8 to Path option and click install now to install. Installation in progress: Just click close when the installation is complete. 2. Testing Press win+r on your keyboard and type cmd in the run window in the lower […]

  • How to change the workspaces directory in vscode


    First, ctrl+shift+P to bring up the search box. Next search for Workspace settings (json) and open the After opening, change the path after “path” from the default path to the completion path of the target folder.  

  • Using Markdown


    Hands-on teaching you to use Markdown [from beginner to mastery in one article is enough]. preambleI. What is MarkdownSecond, Markdown advantagesThird, the basic syntax of Markdown3.1 Title3.2 Fonts3.3 Row lines3.4 References3.5 Links3.6 Pictures3.7 Lists3.8 Segmentation lines3.9 Deletion of lines3.10 Underlining3.11 Code Blocks3.12 Tables3.13 Footnotes3.14 Special symbols Fourth, the advanced use of Markdown4.1 Personal views4.2 Creating […]

  • VSCode Installation and Configuration Tutorial


    preamble Visual Studio Code is a lightweight and powerful source code editor with support for syntax highlighting, code auto-completion (aka IntelliSense), code refactoring, view definitions, and built-in command line tools and Git version control system. Available for Windows, macOS, and Linux, it has built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node.js, and a rich ecosystem of […]

  • vscode official download too slow solution


    No talking, just go straight to the motion picture: Detailed Steps: 1. Open the official website:Visual Studio Code Click to download. 2. Copy the download link here in the downloader and paste it into the address bar of your browser. 3. Change the main address of the official website, and then enter. As you […]

  • Introduction to Network Security Tutorial


    Cybersecurity is a large and growing field that encompasses several areas of specialization, such as network defense, cyberattacks, data encryption, and more. Introduces the basic concepts, techniques, and tools of cybersecurity, going step-by-step to help you become a competent cybersecurity practitioner. I. Network security basics 1. Basic computer knowledge Understanding the basics of computer hardware, […]

  • LINUX retrieves files based on time range


    LINUX retrieves files based on time range 1. Find the files between the numbers 2023-01-05 and 2023-01-06 by using the following command: find log/ -name ‘abc.pdf’ -newermt ‘2023-01-05’ ! -newermt ‘2023-01-06’ 2. Find files that were changed 3 days “ago”, 72 hours ago. find /var/log/ -mtime +3 -type f -print 3. Find out the files […]