Tag:1024 programmer’s day

  • Introduction to Spark


    1、Introduction to Spark 2、Spark-Core Core Arithmetic 3、Spark-Core 4、SparkSQL Article Catalog I. IntroductionII. Installation1. Introduction2、Local deployment (Local mode)2.1 Installation2.2 Official WordCount example 3. Standlong mode3.1 Introduction2.2 Installing the cluster2.3 Official Test Cases 4. Yarn model3.1 Installation3.2 Configuring the History Server3.3 Configuring to View Historical Logs 5. Mesos mode6. Comparison of several models7. Common ports Third, Yarn […]

  • No charge AI drawing tutorials (online Stable Diffusion)


    Superb full-blooded no-charge AI drawing tutorials are here (online Stable Diffusion in one click) I. Introduction1.1 AI drawing1.2 Stable Diffusion1.2.1 Brief description of the principle1.2.2 Application process Second, AI drawing tools2.1 Toast TusiArt2.2 Mileage LibLibAI2.3 Native deployment III. One-click ready to use3.1 Unpacking and Tasting3.2 Model correlation3.3 ControlNet IV. Summary I. Introduction 1.1 AI drawing […]

  • [VMware] Configuring File Sharing between VMware Virtual Machines and Hosts


    Take a win11 host with a win7 VM for example Operating under WIN11 Virtual Machine WIN7 operation Operating under WIN11 1. The network settings of the installed VMware virtual machine areBridging Mode 2. Create a shared folder on the local host, named like share 3. Configure shared folders in the VMware virtual machine, click Virtual […]