Tag:android basics

  • Android etc1tool png image conversion pkm and zipalign Introduction


    About the author: content partner and technologist, building a 10 million daily app from scratch. Focused on sharing original series of articles in various fields , specializing in java back-end, mobile development, business real estate, artificial intelligence and so on, I hope you have more support. catalogs I. IntroductionTwo, etc1tool2.1. Usage III. zipalign3.1 Utilization IV. […]

  • Introduction to Android Command Line Tools


    catalogs I. Introduction 2. Outline III. Relevant tools 3.1 Android SDK Command Line Tools 3.2 Android SDK build tools 3.3 Android SDK Platform Tools 3.4 Android Emulator I. Introduction We continue to summarize our learningbasics, warming up to the past. This article briefly introduces Android command line tools. 2. Outline The Android SDK contains several […]