Tag:artificial intelligence (ai)

  • Whisper JAX Speech Recognition Local Deployment


    https://nlpcloud.com/zh/how-to-install-and-deploy-whisper-the-best-open-source-alternative-to-google-speech-to-text.html whisperX Speech Recognition Local Deployment Video Tutorial whisper-jax most detailed installation tutorial | A claim than the whisper 70 times faster than the speech recognition project | Free and open source speech recognition projects whisperX Speech Recognition Local Deployment_JoeManba’s Blog – Blogs GitHub – sanchit-gandhi/whisper-jax: JAX implementation of OpenAI’s Whisper model for up to […]

  • Anchor based and Anchor free


    Difference between anchor-free and anchor-based Anchor-free and anchor-based are two different target detection methods, the difference being whether or not a predefined anchor box is used to match a real target box. Anchor-based methods use anchor boxes of different sizes and shapes to regress and categorize targets, such as faster rcnn, retinanet, and yolo, etc. […]