
  • Demystifying the underlying mysteries of lists


    catalogs I. List underlying framework (1) Node class (2) Iterator class (3) The list class II. Constructors (1) Parameterless construction (2) n-value construction (3) Iterator interval construction (4) Copy construction III. Iterators Iterator implementation ① Tectonic ② ‘*’ and ‘->’ ③ Pre-++ and post-++ ④ Front – vs. back – ⑤ Comparison operators Iterators in […]

  • Detailed steps for downloading and installing MinGW-w64 (windows version of gcc, the compiler for c/c++, real available for win10)


    I. Introduction to MinGW-w64 The full name of MinGW is Minimalist GNU on Windows, which is actually a port of gcc (c/c++ compiler) to the Windows platform, and includes Win32API, so you can compile the source code into executable programs that can run in Windows. It also allows you to use some development tools for […]

  • Autonomous Driving Simulation CARLA Learning


    i. introduction to carla CARLA is an open source autonomous driving simulator. It is built from the ground up as a modular and flexible API to address the range of tasks involved in the autonomous driving problem.One of the main goals of CARLA is to help democratize autonomous driving R&D as a tool that can […]

  • [C++] list basic interface


    Parents are like iterators that encapsulate their vulnerability …… Hand torn list catalog: I. List’s common interfaces and their use 1.1 List Constructors and Adding, Deleting, Checking and Changing 1.2list Special Interfaces 1.3 List Sorting Performance Analysis Second, list iterator implementation (focus + difficulty) Introductory knowledge about iterators: 2.1 Classification of Iterators 2.2 List Iterator […]

  • [C++] list basic interface


    Parents are like iterators that encapsulate their vulnerability …… Hand torn list catalog: I. List’s common interfaces and their use 1.1 List Constructors and Adding, Deleting, Checking and Changing 1.2list Special Interfaces 1.3 List Sorting Performance Analysis Second, list iterator implementation (focus + difficulty) Introductory knowledge about iterators: 2.1 Classification of Iterators 2.2 List Iterator […]

  • [Data Structures] Sorting Algorithms – Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Normalize Sort, Counting Sort


    catalogs preamble 1. Bubble Sort 2. Quick Sort 2.1Hoare version 2.2 Pit occupancy version 2.3 Front and rear pointer version 2.4 Optimization of fast sorting by triple number picking 2.5 Non-recursive version 3. Summation Sort 3.1 Recursive version 3.2 Non-recursive version 3.3 Out-of-order problems 4. Counting Sort preamble In this post, the blogger will continue […]

  • RabbitMQ Installation and Application


    Article Catalog 1. RabbitMQ1.1 Synchronous versus asynchronous communication1.2 Advantages and disadvantages of asynchronous communication1.3. Comparison of several MQs1.4. docker install and run RabbitMQ process1.5. A few concepts of RabbitMQ1.6 Five models1.6.1 Basic message queues 1.7 Basic use1.7.1. 1The following screen appears when establishing a connection! [insert image description here](https://img-blog.csdnimg.cn/direct/2a17b7286dca43c6b49d38408652816c.png) When the queue creation is complete, […]

  • [C++]vector


    Article Catalog I. Introduction to vector Second, vector’s common interface description 2.1 Use of vector 2.2 vector iterator Usage 2.3 The vector space growth problem 2.4 vector Add, Delete, Check, and Change III. Summary I. Introduction to vector Introduction to vector documentation Most of the usage is similar to that of string A vector is […]

  • Connection to the server has been successfully established, but an error occurred during login. (Provider: SSL Provider, Error: 0 – The certificate chain was issued by an untrusted issuer.)”


            Today when I was writing a .NET6 API, I used the Dapper framework to configure the database connection, and after configuring it, I got an error when linking the DB, and found the error to beMicrosoft.Data.SqlClientcaused by the use ofSystem.Data.SqlClient Then it can be accessed normally with the following error message: A connection was successfully established […]

  • [C++] STL_vector usage with mock implementation of common interfaces


    Article Catalog 1. Introduction of vector2. Use of vector2.1 Definition of vector2.2 Use of vector iterators2.3 Spatial growth problems for vectors 3, vector add, delete, check and change3.1 push_back (emphasis added)3.2 pop_back (emphasis added)3.3 operator[] (emphasis added)3.4 insert3.5 erase3.6 swap 1. Introduction of vector Introduction to vector documentation A vector is a sequence container representing […]