Tag:data structure

  • Demystifying the underlying mysteries of lists


    catalogs I. List underlying framework (1) Node class (2) Iterator class (3) The list class II. Constructors (1) Parameterless construction (2) n-value construction (3) Iterator interval construction (4) Copy construction III. Iterators Iterator implementation ① Tectonic ② ‘*’ and ‘->’ ③ Pre-++ and post-++ ④ Front – vs. back – ⑤ Comparison operators Iterators in […]

  • Data Structures – Single Linked Tables


    catalogs I. Preamble II. Chained table representation and implementation (single linked tables) 1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of sequential tables 1.2 Concept and structure of a linked table 1.3 Printing Functions 1.4 Space functions 1.5 The Tail-Plug Function (the most, most troublesome) 1.5.1 The most critical part of the tail plug! 1.6 Header Interpolation Functions 1.7 […]

  • [Data Structures] Stacks in Linear Tables (C — Sequential Table Implementation of Stacks)


    ========================================================================= Relevant code gitee self retrieve: C Learning Diary: Work Harder (gitee.com)  ========================================================================= follow up on previous period: Data Structure Beginner] IV. Chain Table in Linear Table (with head + bidirectional + cyclic chain table — C language implementation)_Tall Fatty’s Blog – Blogs  =========================================================================                       […]

  • [Data Structures] Sorting Algorithms – Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, Normalize Sort, Counting Sort


    catalogs preamble 1. Bubble Sort 2. Quick Sort 2.1Hoare version 2.2 Pit occupancy version 2.3 Front and rear pointer version 2.4 Optimization of fast sorting by triple number picking 2.5 Non-recursive version 3. Summation Sort 3.1 Recursive version 3.2 Non-recursive version 3.3 Out-of-order problems 4. Counting Sort preamble In this post, the blogger will continue […]

  • [Data Structures] Binary Trees in Nonlinear Tables (Heap Implementation — C Sequential Structures)


    ========================================================================= Relevant code gitee self retrieve: C Learning Diary: Work Harder (gitee.com)  ========================================================================= follow up on previous period: [Data Structure Primer] VI. Queues in Linear Tables (Chained Structure Implementation of Queues) – Blogs  =========================================================================                       1 . Tree in a nonlinear table The concept and […]

  • [Data Structures] Bidirectional Chained Table Explained


    When we have finished learning the single chained table, two-way chained table is much simpler, two-way chained table in the head insertion, tail insertion, head deletion, tail deletion, and arbitrary position insertion, arbitrary position deletion than the single-chained table is simple, today, follow the small Zhang together to learn it! Classification of bi-directional linked tables […]