Tag:development language

  • Ruby newbie installation steps, windows environment


    I. Installing ruby Download Address: Official website:DownloadsDomestic:RubyInstaller for Windows – Domestic mirrors If you’re about to start using Ruby but don’t know which version to install, we recommend using theRuby+Devkit 3.2.X (x64)Installer. It provides the largest number of Gem that can be compatible and willMSYS2 DevkitInstalled with Ruby so that Gem with C extensions can […]

  • Go commands


    Article Catalog preamble Common commands go bug typical example Parameter description go doc typical example Parameter description go env typical example go fix typical example go fmt typical example go generate typical example summarize put at the end preamble Continuing on from the previous post, we’ll cover common commands in the Go language. Common commands […]

  • [C++]vector


    Article Catalog I. Introduction to vector Second, vector’s common interface description 2.1 Use of vector 2.2 vector iterator Usage 2.3 The vector space growth problem 2.4 vector Add, Delete, Check, and Change III. Summary I. Introduction to vector Introduction to vector documentation Most of the usage is similar to that of string A vector is […]

  • Basic Syntax of Go


    summarize In the previous section, we introduced our first Go program, including: installing the Go environment, writing our first Go program, compiling and running the program, and so on. In this section, we will introduce the basic syntax of Go. Go is a concise and elegant language with some special syntax rules of its own. […]

  • Java’s file operations and IO


    catalogs I. Recognizing documents 1.1 What is a document? 1.2 Organization of documentation 1.3 File path 1.4 Classification of documents II. File operations 2.1 File Overview III. File content manipulation – IO 3.1 JavaIO Awareness 3.2Reader and Writer Reader class Writer class 3.2FileInputStream and FileOutputStream The FileInputStream class The FileOutputStream class IV. Summary 🎁Personal homepage:tq02’s […]

  • Java’s file operations and IO


    catalogs I. Recognizing documents 1.1 What is a document? 1.2 Organization of documentation 1.3 File path 1.4 Classification of documents II. File operations 2.1 File Overview III. File content manipulation – IO 3.1 JavaIO Awareness 3.2Reader and Writer Reader class Writer class 3.2FileInputStream and FileOutputStream The FileInputStream class The FileOutputStream class IV. Summary 🎁Personal homepage:tq02’s […]

  • Python drawing three-dimensional roses


    from matplotlib import cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(projection=’3d’) [x, t] = np.meshgrid(np.array(range(25))/24.0, np.arange(0, 575.5, 0.5)/575*17*np.pi-2*np.pi) p = (np.pi/2)*np.exp(-t/(8*np.pi)) u = 1-(1-np.mod(3.6*t, 2*np.pi)/np.pi)**4/2 y = 2*(x**2-x)**2*np.sin(p) r = u*(x*np.sin(p)+y*np.cos(p)) surf = ax.plot_surface(r*np.cos(t), r*np.sin(t),u*(x*np.cos(p)-y*np.sin(p)), rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.Reds_r,linewidth=0, antialiased=True) # Set your own text content and display settings […]

  • [C++] Classes and Objects


    I. Preamble As usual, let’s start with a recap of the last issue: last issue we focused on the six major C++ classes in theDefault Member Functionsand took it upon himself to implement adate classI’m sure you’ve learned a lot about classes in C++. This is the last installment of classes and objects, and it’s […]

  • The way Java receives front-end request bodies


    Article Catalog @RequestBody @PathVariable @RequestParam @Validated Method parameter validation Method return value validation @RequestHeader @HttpServletRequest ## The way Java receives front-end request bodies Request Body (Request Body) is a part of the HTTP request, used to transfer the requested data; in the HTTP request, the request body is usually used for POST, PUT and other […]

  • [C++] Inheritance


    Article Catalog I. Concept and definition of succession1.1 Concept of succession1.2 Definition of Succession1.2.1 Defining formats1.2.2 Inheritance and access qualifiers1.2.3 Changes in the way members of inherited base classes are accessed II. Base Class and Derived Class Object Assignment ConversionIII. Scope in inheritanceIV. Default Member Functions in Derived Classes4.1 Default Constructor4.2 Copy constructors4.3 Assignment Operator […]