
  • fatal: unable to access ‘https Recv failure Connection was reset


    This error is often encountered when using git:fatal: unable to access ‘https://github.com/…/.git’:Recv failure Connection was reset。 Combined with my personal experience of recent use, I offer two methods that have been personally tested to be effective. Method 1 This method is also the most common method, which is executed in the terminal: git config –global […]

  • Deploy stable-diffusion-webui in linux


    stable-diffusion-webui what is not to say, the following is the installation steps, I introduce the linux system as an example, windows system is much the same, the installation period did not use the ladder, the installation directory /opt/stable-diffusion-webui/. 1. Install Anaconda stable-diffusion-webui requires python version 3.8-1.10, just look for the corresponding Anaconda version, Anaconda download […]

  • Autonomous Driving Simulation CARLA Learning


    i. introduction to carla CARLA is an open source autonomous driving simulator. It is built from the ground up as a modular and flexible API to address the range of tasks involved in the autonomous driving problem.One of the main goals of CARLA is to help democratize autonomous driving R&D as a tool that can […]

  • Common Uses of the Version Control Tool Git


    Git is a very powerful and flexible version control tool that provides many commands and features to manage code versioning, branching, merging, and more. Here are some detailed uses of Git: Configure related commands: Set up a username and email address:git config –global user.name “Your Name” git config –global user.email “[email protected]” Basic Operations: Initialize a […]

  • Local deployment of Stable Diffusion tutorial, pro-test can be installed successfully


    Article Series Catalog Stable Diffusion Interface Parameters and Model Use Google Colab Cloud Deploys Stable Diffusion for Mapping Article Catalog Article Series CatalogpreambleI. What is Stable Diffusion?II. Preparation before installation1. Check whether your computer configuration meets the requirements2. Download and install Git3. Download and install Python Download the stable-diffusion-webui repositoryFour, run webui-user.batsummarize preamble Recently, intelligent […]

  • [Git] Git branches and tags to master these skills let you become a qualified coder


    I. Practical scenarios of branching and labeling in the development process 1.1. What is Branching and Labeling Branches: Function Development: When a team member needs to develop a new feature, a new feature branch can be created. This branch can be independent of the main development line and does not interfere with other development work, […]