
  • Github Student Certification + Copilot


    Github Student Certification + Copilot, this one is enough! Github Student Certification Over and Over + Copilot Free TrialStep1: Modify personal informationStep2: Preparation of materialsStep3: Submission of materialsStep4: Check resultsStep5:Github Copilot Github Student Certification Over and Over + Copilot Free Trial The ultimate strategy for passing the student certification once and for all, summarized from […]

  • WebMagic – A collection of creative front-end projects (click on the links to see the results on your computer)


    WebMagic – A Collection of Creative Front-End Projects Welcome to the WebMagic repository! This is a collection of amazing front-end projects covering a number of technologies including HTML5, CSS3 and JS. Whether you’re a front-end developer, designer, or someone interested in creative interactive content, this repository has endless surprises in store for you. Each project […]

  • Hexo + Github + Netlify blog building tutorials


    1. Preface The initial page results of the blog can be seen on my blog:Leo, welcome to support the visit. This blog is based onHexo, so first of all, it’s important to understand the framework we’ll be using to build our blog.Hexois an efficient static website generation framework based on theNode.jsFast, simple and powerful, it’s […]

  • Deploy stable-diffusion-webui in linux


    stable-diffusion-webui what is not to say, the following is the installation steps, I introduce the linux system as an example, windows system is much the same, the installation period did not use the ladder, the installation directory /opt/stable-diffusion-webui/. 1. Install Anaconda stable-diffusion-webui requires python version 3.8-1.10, just look for the corresponding Anaconda version, Anaconda download […]

  • Local deployment of Stable Diffusion tutorial, pro-test can be installed successfully


    Article Series Catalog Stable Diffusion Interface Parameters and Model Use Google Colab Cloud Deploys Stable Diffusion for Mapping Article Catalog Article Series CatalogpreambleI. What is Stable Diffusion?II. Preparation before installation1. Check whether your computer configuration meets the requirements2. Download and install Git3. Download and install Python Download the stable-diffusion-webui repositoryFour, run webui-user.batsummarize preamble Recently, intelligent […]

  • webrtc-streamer tutorial for accessing camera video streams


    catalogs preamble I. The API of webrtc-streamer II. Introduction to webrtc-streamer startup commands 1. Original text 2. Translation Installation and deployment of webrtc-streamer 1.Download Address     https://github.com/mpromonet/webrtc-streamer/releases 2.windows version deployment 3. Linux version deployment springboot integrates webrtc-streamer V. Public network access to camera video using webrtc-streamer preamble Recently, the company is engaged in streaming media, […]