Tag:image processing

  • Deep Learning – Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Theory


    Study period: 2022.04.10~2022.04.12 Article Catalog 3. Convolutional neural network CNN3.1 Concept of Convolutional Neural Networks3.1.1 What is a CNN?3.1.2 Why use CNNs?3.1.3 Principles of human vision 3.2 Fundamentals of CNN3.2.1 Main structures3.2.2 Convolution layer1. Convolutional operations2. Three modes of convolution3. The nature of convolution 3.2.3 Pooling layer3.2.4 Activation layer3.2.5 Rasterization3.2.6 Full connectivity layer3.2.7 Reverse propagation3.2.8 […]

  • matlab image processing


    1. Reading of pictures (below left) I=imread(‘Cute Cat.jpg’);%image read, here ” within the ‘path\name’, such as: ‘E:\examples\cute cat.jpg’ figure,imshow(I);%image display title(‘Original image’)   2. Convert to grayscale image (top right) I_gray=rgb2gray(I); figure,imshow(I_gray); title(‘Grayscale image’) One way to see if it is a grayscale image: disp(‘Output string’) % Outputs the string; ndims()% output matrix dimension, here […]

  • Opencv Image Processing


    Article Catalog Blogger’s Boutique Column NavigationNote: The following source code can be run, different projects involved in the function are analyzed in detail.11、Image project practice(i) Bank card number identification — sort_contours(), resize()(ii) document scanning OCR recognition — cv2.getPerspectiveTransform() + cv2.warpPerspective(), np.argmin(), np.argmax(), np.diff()detectAndDescribe(), matchKeypoints(), cv2.findHomography(), cv2.warpPerspective(), drawMatches()(iv) Parking lot space detection (Keras-based CNN classification) — […]

  • Theory of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)


    Study period: 2022.04.10~2022.04.12 Article Catalog 3. Convolutional neural network CNN3.1 Concept of Convolutional Neural Networks3.1.1 What is a CNN?3.1.2 Why use CNNs?3.1.3 Principles of human vision 3.2 Fundamentals of CNN3.2.1 Main structures3.2.2 Convolution layer1. Convolutional operations2. Three modes of convolution3. The nature of convolution 3.2.3 Pooling layer3.2.4 Activation layer3.2.5 Rasterization3.2.6 Full connectivity layer3.2.7 Reverse propagation3.2.8 […]