Tag:in vogue

  • [C++] Inheritance


    Article Catalog I. Concept and definition of succession1.1 Concept of succession1.2 Definition of Succession1.2.1 Defining formats1.2.2 Inheritance and access qualifiers1.2.3 Changes in the way members of inherited base classes are accessed II. Base Class and Derived Class Object Assignment ConversionIII. Scope in inheritanceIV. Default Member Functions in Derived Classes4.1 Default Constructor4.2 Copy constructors4.3 Assignment Operator […]

  • [Linux] The Mystery of Processes


    Article Catalog 1. What is the process?1.1 Write your own process 2. How does the operating system manage processes?2.1 Describing the Process-PCB2.2 Organizational processes2.3 Deeper understanding of the process 3. Processes in the Linux environment3.1 task_struct3.2 Task_struct content categorization3.3 Organizational processes3.4 Viewing Process Properties 4. Concluding remarks 1. What is the process? In the previous […]