Tag:java ee

  • Installing RabbitMQ service on Ubuntu Linux system and resolving public network remote access issues


    Article Catalog preamble1. Install the erlang language2. Install rabbitMQ3. Intranet penetration3.1 Install cpolar Intranet Penetration (supports one-click auto-installation script)3.2 Creating an HTTP Tunnel 4. Remote connection to the public network5. Fixed public TCP address5.1 Reserve a fixed public TCP port address5.2 Configuring Fixed Public TCP Port Addresses preamble RabbitMQ is an AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing […]

  • Java’s file operations and IO


    catalogs I. Recognizing documents 1.1 What is a document? 1.2 Organization of documentation 1.3 File path 1.4 Classification of documents II. File operations 2.1 File Overview III. File content manipulation – IO 3.1 JavaIO Awareness 3.2Reader and Writer Reader class Writer class 3.2FileInputStream and FileOutputStream The FileInputStream class The FileOutputStream class IV. Summary 🎁Personal homepage:tq02’s […]

  • Java’s file operations and IO


    catalogs I. Recognizing documents 1.1 What is a document? 1.2 Organization of documentation 1.3 File path 1.4 Classification of documents II. File operations 2.1 File Overview III. File content manipulation – IO 3.1 JavaIO Awareness 3.2Reader and Writer Reader class Writer class 3.2FileInputStream and FileOutputStream The FileInputStream class The FileOutputStream class IV. Summary 🎁Personal homepage:tq02’s […]

  • Networking, HTTP, Session Hold, Authentication Authorization


    catalogs 1. Networking 2.HTTP 2.1. Message structure 2.1.1. request message 2.1.2. Response message 2.2. Methodology 2.3.HTTPS 2.4. Cross-domain 3. Session Hold 3.1. Overview 3.2.cookie 3.3.session 4. Authentication authorization 4.1.Token 4.2.JWT 4.3.oauth 1. Networking Computer networks: Computer network, a set of topologies consisting of nodes and edges. The edge, or link, is the backbone link between […]