
  • SpringBoot – LiteFlow Engine Framework


    Introduction to LiteFlow LiteFlowanLightweight and powerful domestic rules engine frameworkIt can be used in the area of orchestration for complex componentized businesses. Helps make systems silky smooth and flexible. UtilizingLiteFlowYou can transform the waterfall code into a component as the core concept of the code structure, the benefit of this structure is that it can […]

  • [Spring]SpringBoot Unified Function Processing


    Article Catalog preamble1. Interceptor1.1 What is an interceptor1.2 Use of interceptors1.2.1 Customizing Interceptors1.2.2 Registering a Configuration Interceptor 1.3 Interceptor Explained1.3.1 Intercepting paths1.3.2 Interceptor Execution Flow1.3.3 Adapter model 2. Harmonization of data return formats3. Harmonization of exception handling preamble In the daily use of the Spring framework for development, for some boards, you may need to […]

  • AI Writing Code GitHub Copilot + Idea Installation and Usage Tutorials


    Article Catalog I. GitHub Copilot Subscription ServiceSecond, Idea install Copilot plug-inIII. Plug-in useIV. Reference documents GitHub Copilot is an AI programming tool from Microsoft and OpenAI, based on source code from GitHub and other sites, which can greatly improve the efficiency of writing code by automatically writing the code below for programmers based on the […]

  • Java 8: Stream API Stream Operations


    Java 8:Stream API The Stream API in Java 8 is a set of new features for working with collection data; providing a way to manipulate collections in a declarative style, simplifying the processing of collections, making the code cleaner, more elegant, and able to work with data more efficiently; This style treats the set of […]

  • Introduction to javacv


    Understand the history and development background of javacv JavaCV is an open source Java framework that provides Java-based interfaces for accessing various computer vision libraries and toolkits such as OpenCV, FFmpeg, etc. JavaCV is designed to provide Java developers with fast, simple and reliable image and video processing capabilities. The history of JavaCV dates back […]

  • MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)


    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version) I. Download mysql databaseII. Installing MysqlThird, verify whether the installation is successful(A), the command prompt cmd window verification(ii) MySQL Console Verification I. Download mysql database Go to the official MySQL website (https://www.mysql.com/downloads/), click on the download page in the order shown below. Note: There are two MSI […]

  • Vue Installation and Configuration


    I. Download and Install Vue Official website download addressDownload | Node.js Choose the version that suits you, we recommend LTS, Long Term Stable. I chose Windows Installer(.msi) 64-bit. Once downloaded, double-click on the downloaded installation package. Click next Check I accept………… Click next It is recommended to change the installation directory to the one you […]

  • Computer operating system experiment: process scheduling experiment


    catalogs preamble II. Purpose of the experiment III. Experimental requirements IV. Experimental principles V. Experimental process VI. Code details summarize preamble Computer operating system is the core software that manages computer hardware and software resources, and it is responsible for providing users with a friendly, efficient, and secure environment to use. Process scheduling is an […]

  • What is a cookie? What’s it for?


    What’s a cookie? The Chinese translation of cookie is the meaning of cookie, sweet cake. Cookies are actually some data information of the type”small text file“, stored in a text file on your computer. What are cookies for? Let’s imagine a scenario, when we open a website, if this website we once logged in, then […]

  • Resolved the Java. SQL. SQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to the database server abnormal correctly solved


    Resolved Java. SQL. SQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to the database server abnormal correct solution, kiss measuring effective!!!!!! Article Catalog report an error problemSolutionscureexchanges report an error problem java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException:Could not create connection to database server Solutions The error “java.sql.SQLNonTransientConnectionException:Could not create connection to database server” is usually caused by an inability to connect to the […]