
  • Android Serial Port Usage


    catalogs preamble I. Introduction to the environment II. Introduction to equipment 2. Method 1:. 1. Introduction of libraries 2. Writing code 3. Method 2:. 1. Introduction of libraries 2. Writing code IV. Complete code. V. Source code. preamble Serial port is a protocol used for android to communicate with hardware devices, you can send some […]

  • AI Integration ChatGPT Knocking Code Magic Copilot


    preamble This article is mainly AI tool Copilot interpretation of the article, if there is any need to improve the place also please point out the big brother catalogs Article Catalog preamble **Catalog** 1. What is Copilot 2. Idea Installation Copilot 3. Idea to use Copilot 3.1 Code Completion 4. Shortcut Keys JetBrains IDE Keyboard […]

  • IDEA import project can not be recognized as a maven project solution


    A new Maven project is opened in IDEA, but when it is opened, none of the Maven dependencies are downloaded. As a result, the project does not compile and there is no Maven view on the right side. The little icon on the pom.xml file doesn’t seem right either. What should I do now? Right […]

  • Java’s file operations and IO


    catalogs I. Recognizing documents 1.1 What is a document? 1.2 Organization of documentation 1.3 File path 1.4 Classification of documents II. File operations 2.1 File Overview III. File content manipulation – IO 3.1 JavaIO Awareness 3.2Reader and Writer Reader class Writer class 3.2FileInputStream and FileOutputStream The FileInputStream class The FileOutputStream class IV. Summary 🎁Personal homepage:tq02’s […]

  • Java’s file operations and IO


    catalogs I. Recognizing documents 1.1 What is a document? 1.2 Organization of documentation 1.3 File path 1.4 Classification of documents II. File operations 2.1 File Overview III. File content manipulation – IO 3.1 JavaIO Awareness 3.2Reader and Writer Reader class Writer class 3.2FileInputStream and FileOutputStream The FileInputStream class The FileOutputStream class IV. Summary 🎁Personal homepage:tq02’s […]

  • How to realize web search auto-complete function


    Article Catalog pinyin splitter (Chinese romanization system) Customized Splitters completion suggester Book Recommendation pinyin splitter (Chinese romanization system) When we enter pinyin and keywords in many websites, the auto-completion function will appear to help users search for the results they want. Elasticsearch can help us accomplish this. If you want to use pinyin to search […]

  • webrtc-streamer tutorial for accessing camera video streams


    catalogs preamble I. The API of webrtc-streamer II. Introduction to webrtc-streamer startup commands 1. Original text 2. Translation Installation and deployment of webrtc-streamer 1.Download Address     https://github.com/mpromonet/webrtc-streamer/releases 2.windows version deployment 3. Linux version deployment springboot integrates webrtc-streamer V. Public network access to camera video using webrtc-streamer preamble Recently, the company is engaged in streaming media, […]

  • The way Java receives front-end request bodies


    Article Catalog @RequestBody @PathVariable @RequestParam @Validated Method parameter validation Method return value validation @RequestHeader @HttpServletRequest ## The way Java receives front-end request bodies Request Body (Request Body) is a part of the HTTP request, used to transfer the requested data; in the HTTP request, the request body is usually used for POST, PUT and other […]

  • Basic Usage of Redis in Java


    This movie introduces you to the basic use of Redis in Java. Article Catalog 1, using jedis operation redis1.1 Introduction to Jedis1.2 Introducing Maven dependencies for jedis1.2. Getting Connected1.3 Examples of use 2, for the use of JedisPooled2.1 Using JedisPooled2.2 About connection pooling 3, SpringBoot under the use of Redis3.1 Introducing Maven dependencies3.2 Configuring Redis […]

  • Wakefield Framework SpringBoot+Activiti Workflow Usage


    Introduction: This technology point is mainly for the class approval business process modeling, there can be: task release (i.e., the beginning of the process) to a level of approval to the final end (i.e., the end of the process) a complete set of models 1、idea download activiti plugin Previous versions of ider downloaded actiBPM, but […]