
  • [Spring]SpringBoot Unified Function Processing


    Article Catalog preamble1. Interceptor1.1 What is an interceptor1.2 Use of interceptors1.2.1 Customizing Interceptors1.2.2 Registering a Configuration Interceptor 1.3 Interceptor Explained1.3.1 Intercepting paths1.3.2 Interceptor Execution Flow1.3.3 Adapter model 2. Harmonization of data return formats3. Harmonization of exception handling preamble In the daily use of the Spring framework for development, for some boards, you may need to […]

  • TCP Streaming Socket Programming


    Article Catalog preamble Comparison of TCP and UDP features TcpEchoServer server-side implementation 1. Create the ServerSocket class to realize the communication between the two sides to establish a connection. 2. Check out the established connection to enable communication between the two parties 3. Server-side business logic realization Close resource Overall server-side code TcpEchoClient Client Implementation […]

  • Java’s file operations and IO


    catalogs I. Recognizing documents 1.1 What is a document? 1.2 Organization of documentation 1.3 File path 1.4 Classification of documents II. File operations 2.1 File Overview III. File content manipulation – IO 3.1 JavaIO Awareness 3.2Reader and Writer Reader class Writer class 3.2FileInputStream and FileOutputStream The FileInputStream class The FileOutputStream class IV. Summary 🎁Personal homepage:tq02’s […]

  • Java’s file operations and IO


    catalogs I. Recognizing documents 1.1 What is a document? 1.2 Organization of documentation 1.3 File path 1.4 Classification of documents II. File operations 2.1 File Overview III. File content manipulation – IO 3.1 JavaIO Awareness 3.2Reader and Writer Reader class Writer class 3.2FileInputStream and FileOutputStream The FileInputStream class The FileOutputStream class IV. Summary 🎁Personal homepage:tq02’s […]

  • SpringBoot configuration files (properties and yml)


    Article Catalog 1. Role of configuration files2. Configuration file format3. Configuration file usage3.1. properties configuration file3.1.1 Basic syntax and usage3.1.2 Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of properties 3.2. yml configuration file3.2.1 Basic syntax and usage3.2.2. single and double quote problems in yml3.2.3. yml configuration of different types of data types and null3.2.4 Configuration objects3.2.5. […]