
  • Seven process states under Linux


    Article Catalog I. Preface II. Process status under the operating system discipline 1、Operation status 2. Blocking state 3、Suspended state III. 7 process states under Linux 1. Operational status R 2. Light sleep state S 3. Deep sleep state D An interesting lawsuit. 4. Stop state T 5. Process tracking status t 6. State of death […]

  • Linux embedded learning tutorial


    Article Catalog I. PrefaceSecond, Linux basic chapterIII. Fundamentals of data structures and algorithmsLinux applicationsFourth, Linux network chapterV. ARMLinux system portingLinux driverVIII. Linux SpecialNine, Linux project chapter I. Preface blogger to learn Linux has a few months, here for the majority of friends to organize the embedded linux learning knowledge, I hope to help you, of […]

  • [MySQL] Database and Table Operations


    Database and table operations I. Database operations1. Creation of databases2. Character sets and checking rules(1) View the system’s default character set and checksum rules(2) Check the character set supported by the database(3) Check the character set checking rules supported by the database(4) Impact of checking rules on databases 3. Manipulating the database(1) Viewing the database(2) […]

  • centos view memory, cpu usage, top 10 occupancy, top X


    I. Check the memory usage (1) Method 1: Use the free command This will display the system’s physical memory and swap space usage in a human-readable format. free Unit K free -m units of M free -h unit G Parameter description total Total physical memory used Used memory free Unused memory shared Multi-process shared memory […]

  • Ubuntu installation tutorial


    Article Catalog Ubuntu installation tutorial1、Ubuntu image download2、Server version of the installation tutorial2.1.1 Allow root remote login 3, desktop version of the installation tutorial3.1.1 Allow root to log in remotely Ubuntu installation tutorial 1、Ubuntu image download ​ Here I choose to download the image from Aliyun you can also choose to download from the official website […]

  • Configuration and operation of the M2DGR dataset on some SLAM frameworks: ORB-SLAM series, VINS-Mono, LOAM series, FAST-LIO series, hdl_graph_slam


    Article Catalog I. The M2DGR dataset(ii) ORB-SLAM22.1 Configuration parameters2.2 Monocular Three, ORB-SLAM33.1 Configuration parameters3.2 Operational monocular + IMU 4, VINS-Mono4.1 Configuration parameters4.2 Operational monocular + IMU V. DM-VIO5.1 Installation5.2 Configuration runs VI. A-LOAM7, LeGO-LOAM8, LIO-SAM8.1 Configuration parameters8.2 Operation Nine, LVI-SAM9.1 Configuration parameters9.2 Operation 10, LINS10.1 Installation10.2 Configuration parameters10.3 Operation XI. FAST-LIO211.1 Installation11.2 Configuration parameters11.3 Operation […]

  • webrtc-streamer tutorial for accessing camera video streams


    catalogs preamble I. The API of webrtc-streamer II. Introduction to webrtc-streamer startup commands 1. Original text 2. Translation Installation and deployment of webrtc-streamer 1.Download Address     https://github.com/mpromonet/webrtc-streamer/releases 2.windows version deployment 3. Linux version deployment springboot integrates webrtc-streamer V. Public network access to camera video using webrtc-streamer preamble Recently, the company is engaged in streaming media, […]

  • Docker – Windows version of Docker installation


    catalogs I. Introduction 1.1 How does Docker solve the problem of complex dependencies and compatibility of different component dependencies in large projects? 1.2 How Docker Solves the Problem of Differing Development, Test, and Production Environments 1.3 Difference between Docker and Virtual Machines 1.4 Docker Architecture 1.5 Summary Second, Docker installation (Windows version) 2.1 Preparing the […]

  • python3 installation tutorial


    Preface: It is recommended to use version 3.6 and above, the system comes with python2 do not uninstall, some system commands to use, 2 and 3 can coexist! I. Linux installation of python3 (Python-3.6.8) 1. Check to see if python3 is installed. python3 -V 2. Download the installation package 1、Download via wget command wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.8/Python-3.6.8.tgz […]

  • cpolar Intranet Penetration” Extranet SSH Remote Connection to Linux (CentOS) Servers


    In this tutorial we are going to realize how to SSH remotely connect to a Linux CentOS server at home/company in an external public network environment, without a public IP and without setting up a router. video tutorial [video(video-jrpesBrv-1680147672481)(type-csdn)(url-live broadcast (not recorded)https //www.cpolar.com/” title=”cpolar – Secure Intranet Penetration Tool”>cpolar – Secure Intranet Penetration Tool cpolar […]