
  • MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version)


    MySQL Database Download and Installation Tutorial (Latest Version) I. Download mysql databaseII. Installing MysqlThird, verify whether the installation is successful(A), the command prompt cmd window verification(ii) MySQL Console Verification I. Download mysql database Go to the official MySQL website (https://www.mysql.com/downloads/), click on the download page in the order shown below. Note: There are two MSI […]

  • [MySQL] Database and Table Operations


    Database and table operations I. Database operations1. Creation of databases2. Character sets and checking rules(1) View the system’s default character set and checksum rules(2) Check the character set supported by the database(3) Check the character set checking rules supported by the database(4) Impact of checking rules on databases 3. Manipulating the database(1) Viewing the database(2) […]

  • PHP-MySQL Library Management System (with source code)


    This system uses phpstudy development platform, using PHP and MySQL database development, development tools for HBuilder. phpStudy is a PHP debugging environment for the program to integrate the latest Apache+PHP+MySQL+phpMyAdmin, one-time installation, no need to configure to use, is very convenient, good use of PHP debugging environment. (Other platforms are available)@@@@At the end of the […]

  • MYSQL8 Security – Audit Management


    MYSQL8 Security – Audit Management Audit conceptsI. MYSQL8 open source audit mysql-auditmysql-audit installation and configuration0、Download and unzip the plug-in1, check mysql plugin location2. Upload the library file to the plug-in directory3. Modify my.cnf.4、Installation of plug-ins5. View mysql-audit logsError installing pluginSolution:1. Calculate the offset2. Add the offset to my.cnf3. Adding an offset still reports an error […]

  • Understanding the three major open source relational databases: SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL


    catalogs 1. Overview 2、SQLite database 2.1 Introduction to SQLite 2.2、SQLite Advantages and Disadvantages 2.3、SQLite application scenarios 3. MySQL database 3.1 Introduction to MySQL 3.2. MySQL Advantages and Disadvantages 3.3. MySQL Application Scenarios 4. PostgreSQL database 4.1 Introduction to PostgreSQL 4.2. PostgreSQL Advantages 4.3. PostgreSQL Application Scenarios 5. Selection in the actual system VC++ common function […]

  • MySQL 5.7 Detailed Download, Installation and Configuration Tutorial


    The following MySQL 5.7.27 Detailed Download, Installation and Configuration Tutorials [A long time ago also recorded a MySQL8.0 installation and configuration process, if 8.0 can refer to another article below] MySQL Download and Installation and Navicat Configuration (Super Detailed) _Kilimanjaro Dawn’s Blog – Blog_navicat configuration mysql I. Preface Recently had a few years ago, the […]

  • MYSQL8 Security – SSL Authentication


    MYSQL8 Security – SSL Authentication SSL ConceptMYSQL Process for Implementing SSLMYSQL Deployment SSl0. SSL Policy1、Creating a certificate2、Configure SSL certificatechecking status 3、Configure SSL usersCreating a User Normal Authentication MethodCreating user-enforced certificate authenticationSetting up mandatory certificate login for users 4. SSL loginSSL encrypted login method 1;SSL Encrypted Login Method 2. SSL Concept SSL (Secure Socket Layer: Secure […]

  • How to proxy MySQL connection with Nginx and limit accessible IPs?


    1. Preface Our production environments are basically deployed on cloud servers, such as application servers, MySQL servers and so on. If the MySQL server is directly exposed to the public network, there is a great risk, and the ports of the MySQL server are not open to the public in order to ensure data security. […]

  • [MySQL] Column Collection, from Basic Concepts to Tuning


    catalogs catalogs 1. Basic concepts and SQL 2.SQL Tuning 3. Optimize the index 4. Some engineering issues 1. Basic concepts and SQL Article Link: MySQL Basic Concepts and SQL__BugMan’s Blog – Blogs This section will talk about basic MySQL concepts and SQL operations, and will cover the following topics: What is MySQL Relational, non-relational database […]

  • How to install MySQL on Android Termux and achieve public remote access with intranet penetration


    Article Catalog preamble1. Install MariaDB2. Install cpolar intranet penetration tool3. create secure tunnel mapping mysql4. Remote connection to the public network5. Fixed remote connection address preamble Android as a mobile device, although not originally designed as a server, as technology advances we can configure Android as a productivity tool and turn it into an on-the-go […]