
  • opencv – color recognition


    color recognition Article Catalog color recognitionpreambleI. What is color recognition?Second, image processing in the conversion of colorIII. HSV related functions and application flowStep by StepInstance operation summarize preamble This time I have been getting problems about machine vision recognition, in the competition used a lot of visual algorithms about color recognition, I feel that before […]

  • Computer Vision – Getting Started with OpenCV Explained


    🎉Author’s Profile:I am a graduate student in computer science, currently in my second year of study. Main research interests are in the direction of artificial intelligence and swarm intelligence algorithms. Currently familiar with python web crawler, machine learning, computer vision (OpenCV), swarm intelligence algorithms currently learning about deep learning. 📃Personal homepage:Fish that eats cats python […]

  • Introduction to javacv


    Understand the history and development background of javacv JavaCV is an open source Java framework that provides Java-based interfaces for accessing various computer vision libraries and toolkits such as OpenCV, FFmpeg, etc. JavaCV is designed to provide Java developers with fast, simple and reliable image and video processing capabilities. The history of JavaCV dates back […]

  • Opencv Image Processing


    Article Catalog Blogger’s Boutique Column NavigationNote: The following source code can be run, different projects involved in the function are analyzed in detail.11、Image project practice(i) Bank card number identification — sort_contours(), resize()(ii) document scanning OCR recognition — cv2.getPerspectiveTransform() + cv2.warpPerspective(), np.argmin(), np.argmax(), np.diff()detectAndDescribe(), matchKeypoints(), cv2.findHomography(), cv2.warpPerspective(), drawMatches()(iv) Parking lot space detection (Keras-based CNN classification) — […]

  • OpenCV meets deep learning


    OpenCV in action (33) – OpenCV meets deep learning 0. Preface 1. Deep learning and convolutional neural networks 2. Face detection using deep learning 2.1 Introduction to SSDs 2.2 Performing Face Detection Using SSDs 3. Complete code wrap-up 0. Preface Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning, based on traditional neural networks and convolutional […]