
  • Java 8: Stream API Stream Operations


    Java 8:Stream API The Stream API in Java 8 is a set of new features for working with collection data; providing a way to manipulate collections in a declarative style, simplifying the processing of collections, making the code cleaner, more elegant, and able to work with data more efficiently; This style treats the set of […]

  • Speech recognition in action (python code)


    Speech recognition in action (python : pyttsx, SAPI, SpeechLib example code) (I) Table of Contents for this article: I. Basic Principles of Speech Recognition (1) The origin and development of speech recognition (2) Basic principles of speech recognition (3) Speech recognition process (4) Recent developments in speech recognition II. Python Speech Recognition (1), text-to-speech conversion […]

  • Python Pikachu


    preamble Implementation of three loving Pokémon in python! baby turtle turtle in Python is an easy-to-use drawing library that allows us to programmatically draw a variety of shapes. Its internal implementation of a turtle (turtle), we can control the direction of movement of the turtle and length and other parameters to draw, very suitable for […]

  • Big Data Knowledge Graph – Knowledge Graph + flask based Big Data (KBQA) NLP Medical Knowledge Quiz System


    Big Data Knowledge Graph – Knowledge Graph + flask based big data NLP medical knowledge Q&A system (the most detailed explanation and source code on the net / recommended collection) I. Project overview Second, the basic process of medical knowledge Q&A system that realizes knowledge graphs III. Version numbers used for project tools IV. Installation […]

  • Machine learning: classifying bank customers based on Kmeans clustering algorithm


    Article Catalog Machine learning: classifying bank customers based on Kmeans clustering algorithm 1, Kmeans principle 2. Experimental environment 3、Kmeans simple code implementation 3.1 Constructed data 3.2 Visualization 3.3 Clustering into binary classification 3.4 Obtaining results 3.5 Visualization of results 3.6 Clustering into 3 classes 3.7 Visualization of results 4、Kmeans case practice 4.1 Case background 4.2 […]

  • Tensorflow-gpu nanny-level installation tutorial (Win11, Anaconda3, Python3.9)


    Tensorflow-gpu Nanny Installation Tutorial (Win11, Anaconda3, Python3.9) preamblePreparation for Tensorflow-gpu version installation(a) Check the computer’s video card:(ii), Anaconda installation(iii) cuda download and installation(D), cudnn download and installation(v) Configuration of environment variables(F), create tensorflow environment(VII), test whether Tensorflow-gpu is installed successfully or notuninstall and reinstall preamble CPUversions andGPUThe differences between the versions are mainlyrunning speed,GPUVersion Running […]

  • Opencv Image Processing


    Article Catalog Blogger’s Boutique Column NavigationNote: The following source code can be run, different projects involved in the function are analyzed in detail.11、Image project practice(i) Bank card number identification — sort_contours(), resize()(ii) document scanning OCR recognition — cv2.getPerspectiveTransform() + cv2.warpPerspective(), np.argmin(), np.argmax(), np.diff()detectAndDescribe(), matchKeypoints(), cv2.findHomography(), cv2.warpPerspective(), drawMatches()(iv) Parking lot space detection (Keras-based CNN classification) — […]

  • Python based license plate recognition system implementation


    This paper will take the direction of Python based license plate recognition system implementation, introduce the basic principles of license plate recognition technology, common algorithms and methods, and explain in detail how to use Python language to implement a complete license plate recognition system. catalogs introductoryApplication Scenarios of License Plate Recognition TechnologyAdvantages of Python in […]

  • Installing tensorflow on Windows


    Article Catalog I. Environmental configuration1.1 Installing python 3.81.2 Installing Miniconda1.3 Installing Visual C++ Second, install Tensorflow I. Environmental configuration Installation: python 3.8, Miniconda, Visual C++ 1.1 Installing python 3.8 go intopython official websiteInstallation DownloadWindows installer (64-bit)(The version I downloaded) 1.2 Installing Miniconda go intoMiniconda websiteInstallation DownloadMiniconda3 Windows 64-bit(I downloaded the version) Note that the version […]

  • Python drawing three-dimensional roses


    from matplotlib import cm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(projection=’3d’) [x, t] = np.meshgrid(np.array(range(25))/24.0, np.arange(0, 575.5, 0.5)/575*17*np.pi-2*np.pi) p = (np.pi/2)*np.exp(-t/(8*np.pi)) u = 1-(1-np.mod(3.6*t, 2*np.pi)/np.pi)**4/2 y = 2*(x**2-x)**2*np.sin(p) r = u*(x*np.sin(p)+y*np.cos(p)) surf = ax.plot_surface(r*np.cos(t), r*np.sin(t),u*(x*np.cos(p)-y*np.sin(p)), rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.Reds_r,linewidth=0, antialiased=True) # Set your own text content and display settings […]