
  • Vue3+Vite+TypeScript common project module details


      catalogs 1. Vue3+Vite+TypeScript Overview 1.1 vue3  1.1.1 Vue3 Overview 1.1.2 Current status and development trend of vue3 1.2 Vite 1.2.1 Realities 1.2 Build the vite project 1.3 TypeScript 1.3.1 TypeScript Definitions 1.3.2 TypeScript Basic Data Types 1.3.3 A Brief Introduction to TypeScript Syntax 2. Brief overview of project configuration 2.1 eslint Checksum Tool Configuration […]

  • Vue Installation and Configuration


    I. Download and Install Vue Official website download addressDownload | Node.js Choose the version that suits you, we recommend LTS, Long Term Stable. I chose Windows Installer(.msi) 64-bit. Once downloaded, double-click on the downloaded installation package. Click next Check I accept………… Click next It is recommended to change the installation directory to the one you […]

  • Wrap Vue3 form binding in Typescript, with support for anti-shake and other features.


    Vue3 parent-child component passing values, binding form data, secondary encapsulation of UI libraries, anti-jitter, etc., I think we are all very familiar with it, this article introduces a way to use theTypescript method of unified encapsulation in the manner of the Basic usage Vue3 provides a simple way for form binding:v-model. Very user-friendly.v-model=”name” That’s all. […]

  • [Front-end vue upgrade] vue2+js+elementUI upgrade to vue3+ts+elementUI plus


    I. Selection of tools Recently I wanted to upgrade my vue+js+elementUI project to vue3+ts+elementUI plus for a better development experience, and vue3 has significantly improved performance, so I’m going to document the upgrade process here Manual replacement is certainly not an achievable solution for a project in use. A better solution would be to deconstruct […]