
  • Local RabbitMQ service setup (windows)


    Local RabbitMQ service setup (windows) preambleI. Erlang environment preparation1. Download the installation package2. Installation RabbitMQ server installation1. Download the installation package2. Install the RabbitMQ server3. Start RabbitMQ4. Start-up status detection5. Managing plug-in enablement III. Login management interface preamble The previous RabbitMQ has introduced a lot of content, today is mainly to build a usable RabbitMQ […]

  • webrtc-streamer tutorial for accessing camera video streams


    catalogs preamble I. The API of webrtc-streamer II. Introduction to webrtc-streamer startup commands 1. Original text 2. Translation Installation and deployment of webrtc-streamer 1.Download Address     https://github.com/mpromonet/webrtc-streamer/releases 2.windows version deployment 3. Linux version deployment springboot integrates webrtc-streamer V. Public network access to camera video using webrtc-streamer preamble Recently, the company is engaged in streaming media, […]

  • python3 installation tutorial


    Preface: It is recommended to use version 3.6 and above, the system comes with python2 do not uninstall, some system commands to use, 2 and 3 can coexist! I. Linux installation of python3 (Python-3.6.8) 1. Check to see if python3 is installed. python3 -V 2. Download the installation package 1、Download via wget command wget https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.6.8/Python-3.6.8.tgz […]

  • [VMware] Configuring File Sharing between VMware Virtual Machines and Hosts


    Take a win11 host with a win7 VM for example Operating under WIN11 Virtual Machine WIN7 operation Operating under WIN11 1. The network settings of the installed VMware virtual machine areBridging Mode 2. Create a shared folder on the local host, named like share 3. Configure shared folders in the VMware virtual machine, click Virtual […]

  • Ubuntu local quickly build web small game site, public users remote access [intranet penetration]


    Article Catalog preamble1. Local environment service setup2. LAN test visits3. Intranet penetration3.1 ubuntu local installation of cpolar intranet penetration3.2 Creating tunnels3.3 Testing public network access 4. Configure fixed second-level subdomains4.1 Reservation of a second-level subdomain4.2 Configuring second-level subdomains4.3 Testing access to fixed second-level subdomains on the public network preamble Net: we usually say is the […]